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Kenya female police officers have been ordered to do away with flashy hairstyles to comply with the Kenya police dress code.
In a circular signed by Deputy Inspector-General of Police Edward Mbugua and dated December 20, 2019, female police officers have been directed to get rid of overdone flashy hairstyles by January 1, 2020. "There is dire need to recognise that the police uniform is a symbol of authority and should be accorded the respect it deserves. As from January 1, 2020 these overdone hairstyles will not be accepted,"Mbugua said.
Mbugua said some exaggerated weaves, styles, and over-colored hairdos are a violation of police dress code as they have made it hard for the officers to put on peaked or berets, saying "I observed with dismay exaggerated weaves and styles and over-coloured hairdos. Some officers could not even put on peaked caps or berets.”
The circular also reminds Muslim police officers that a thin black scarf is acceptable dress code, directing them to do away with colored hijabs.
Mbugua has directed all regional commanders to ensure the dress code is strictly adhered to. "There is dire need to recognise that the police uniform is a symbol of authority and should be accorded the respect it deserves. As from January 1, 2020 these overdone hairstyles will not be accepted, Mbugua added.
This it just one way of Men exercising their authority over women.Have any female police women complained,or performed subpar due to this hair issue? Has a study been done world wide on this issues.I am sure we have police women in other countries that have long hair,and extensions...,and flashy hair styles.However, I should say,this, if by any means the hair or anything else worn impedes peak performance by male of female police,certainly do away with it.Having said this, I would assume that any police woman would have sense of figuring our how to put on the beret,and if it the hair interferes with it,she would be smart enough not put on the "hindering" hair piece.
Mr Mbugua, you have bigger fish to fry.Are you aware that year after year consistently Transparency Internatonal ranks police as the most corrupt governmental department?Straighten that then later come to small stuff like hair extensions .Wananchi are more concerned with service from police regardless of how their hair or lack of it looks on their head.My two cents.
Some of these men are threatened that they are the ones who get distracted. Look at those pictures. These female cops look pretty cute.In a Police force that is used to seeing rugged,macho,and corrupt men,seeing pretty women like this does not comport well with their macho male chauvinistic image.
This is a wrong policy. Our women Police Officers should be given freedom to maintain their hairstyles as they like. We like our Female Police Officers looking sexy. We don't want them looking like lesbians. Is Deputy Inspector-General of Police Edward Mbugua a Gay?
Laws are made for every body to follow regardless of their orientations.
urr!this world is so crazy and what makes it better is to see pretty women once in a while. I don't see the need for this dress code. only some old sexist police chief wants to feel worthy and show people that he is such a hard-working person.
When idiots lead those are the kind of policies they make. A well done hair will not prevent police women from doing their duties.
@Kenya - Only CPL Linda Okelo is authorized to look pretty in the force! Te new comers aught to follow the law.
It’s unfortunate deputy police officer keeps focusing on wrong things. Bwana deputy Focus on fighting corruption in your police force. Leave women alone. I have seen doctors with dreadlocks and Muslims with wrong beards in the force will you ask them to shave ?this is misogyny and should stop. We love our women looking good and beautiful more over it enhances their self esteem. Anything else in your circular is rubbish
Dress code re-enforces discipline in the force! It is in the code of conduct of the law enforcement officers! Please adhere to the policy!