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A group of Kenyan MPs are planning to visit Thailand for a benchmarking trip on how to combat the rising insecurity in the boda-boda sector.
The trip is meant to help the MPs drawn from the National Assembly’s Security and Administration Committee to learn ways of bringing sanity in the industry that has employed thousands of Kenyan youth.
Kiambaa MP Paul Koinange, who is the chairman of the committee, said they settled on Thailand because the Southeast Asian nation has managed to effectively control the sector despite having more boda-bodas than Kenya.
“My committee is planning to travel to Thailand to also learn more, benchmark about boda-boda because places like Thailand they have more motorbikes,” Koinange said.
Koinange said plans are underway to roll out a program aimed at addressing the rising road safety challenges caused by boda-bodas. Over 1.6 million licenses have been issued to boda-boda operators in Kenya since 2019.
A recent government report noted that the boda-boda sector is being used by criminals to advance their activities.
“Like the matatu industry that at one time was infiltrated by lethal gangs like Mungiki, there is fear that boda-bodas could be heading the matatu route if adequate policy interventions are not implemented in good time,” the report says.
You don't need taxpayer money wasted on a trip to Thailand, these people have dubious motives like maybe sex tourism. The boda boda problem can be fixed by addressing impunity, enforcing laws, prosecuting corruption and eliminating cartels. For starters get all the traffic lights turned on and working
Well, we could try and encourage agro-preneurship instead of these death or maiming horses. But agriculture is not cool and who wants to wear gumboots to go benchmark in a stinky and muddy farm? It's lucrative to go on a vacation to benchmark than shake calloused farmers hands.
I smell a trip to the red light district. Save the travel costs and do a zoom call. Put that monies to better use. Or take some real boda boda Sacco reps with you on this trip. Let the guys on the ground see how things are run in Thailand.
Benchmarking by our leaders is an excuse and an opportunity to eat-Corruption galore! In this information age and technology, Mr. Koinange, you don't have to leave your Nairobi office to get all the information needed about motorbikes operations in Thailand or anywhere else in the world. Or are you planning to go into the streets of Bangkok, ride a motorbike and watch their boda-bodas in action? How many of you MPs are headed for this wananchi-rip-off boda-boda tourism escapade? After relaxing in your posh 5 star hotels, courtesy of the Kenya's poor, what exactly do you plan to learn that you cannot get through the rules, legislations and government's codes already available in public domain. Will you get your evil-corrupt allowances for going abroad? Why send MPs whose job is law making? Why not send those people who deal with traffic and who are trained on matters regarding traffic and transportation management? Go have fun but always remember that the children suffering in our country for lack of basic resources as you squander our hard earned money, are the future of this country and will need answers and accountability when time comes. Always remember, your children will pay for your theft.
What a waste of public money? What did they do with Matatu industry?
This is how they choose to spend taxes? ‘Benchmarking’. More like a publicly paid vacation! There is a travel allowance despite having all their travel expenses paid for. Nchi ya wajinga hii!! We act rich when the prudent thing to do is send some experts who would come back to teach.
"Agroup of Kenyan Mps...",should be enough to make tax payers cringe .Would it not have been easier,and cheaper for Kenya to invite 3 experts from Thailand on "boda boda "safety,and transportation matters? The experts would get hands on experience right in the country,see what's going on,the landscape,traffic system,and road network?We could take them to most dangerous places...etc. Carrying laptop or two to Thailand wont do justice.
This appears to be an excuse to spend tax payers money on luxury foreign trip.Some of you may recall that Thailand is known for active,and open live night life,if you know what I mean. My married friend on returning from there with his wife told me,"Max, that's aplace for singles,and unmarried men".The admonition may be hyperbolic,but past experience tells us that our Mps love to spend tax payers money recklessly when on foreign trips.
Keep track of their visits to the clinic. Kaswende might start trending soon.
@ mundumugo,I hope their mistresses,and wives read this caution...
Shs 100000 per day each.Mutobori should count me out when addressing these magathia,thugs as our leaders.I wish Simon Muchiri started shooting/shabaha classes with these thugs.
This is an excuse to spend budgeted for funds. Traffic issues are easy fix if there's a will. Michuki made great changes yet he was old school without a bench. Uhuru govt did away with all those changes. Put money in training the bikers and put them in saccos. Biking is the dream job in Kenya now.
They are going for prostitution.
This is mere prostitution trip to Thailand not. Benchmark trip
We always need help to solve our internal issues we need to look inside not outside MPS stealing public funds again and Kenyans are ok with it How much longer can we last as a free nation.
Anyone notice the rider in the black jacket has zero safety gear and will be dead or badly mangled in the event of an accident?
This is wizi baya going on plundering innocent people of their money paid via taxes .It's a vacation not learning anything. Taxi drivers need to go too their sector is messy government eating all their returns so kids go hungry shame.If it's a genuine one carry a group of motorcycle riders or have beefed security at home.kwenda huko wewe .Tummbo zenu sasa haziitosheki. Kenyans lets us refuse these folks at the ballot and we guard the ballot too all men.Democracy must be protected all the time.
I hope that they will get Covid-19 from that trip