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A Kenyan man was on Thursday shot and killed by police in Marietta, Georgia on Thursday. Police say Joel Gatu Muturi, 23, of Marietta, tried to run over members of the Cobb Marietta Smyra Narcotics squad with his car. The anti-narcotics squad was serving a search warrant on Joel at the Liberty Pointe Apartments in Cobb County.
“Our undercover narcotics unit had run a series of investigations. This is one they were working very heavily and they were certainly looking to get this individual into custody. And did everything they could to prevent this type of event from happening,” said Lt. Colonel Robert Quigley of the Cobb County Sheriff’s office.
"When they were here at the apartment, they had contact with the suspect in that case. The suspect attempted to run over a deputy sheriff in a vehicle. Shots were fired and the suspect is deceased,” added Quigley.
The sheriff’s office say they recovered different types of narcotics and weapons at the scene.
Come on @Dr. Sifuna, thugs do not have a certain look. Didn't you see the beautiful girl who was shot by police in Nairobi few month ago
Kenya. Good response; and he could been Dr. Sifuna's Friend or Ally.
Cops were there to serve a warrant, not to shoot him. This guy had a life ahead of him. This is the US, and drugs are everywhere. We have doctors and politicians on cocaine. Why is a young Kenyan being killed?
@ Dr. Sifuna, his actions resulted to a Criminal attempt - 39-12-101. If he had innocently stayed still and respond to the cops appropriately, I believe he would be alive today. The article said he was killed coz, " he tried to run over members of the Cobb Marietta Smyra Narcotics squad with his car". If indeed he did so as alleged, then criminal attempt to kill the squad is the legally acceptable justification for the shooting.
That is what the cops are saying...what does the videocam say? I live in a city where a cop's story almost always needs corroboration.
Cops have been caught lying one too many times. Last year 14 different police teams (from states across the US) landed in a neighboring village to 'hunt for 3 cop killers- 2 white men and a black man'. Man, were we wasted or were we wasted? Truth comes out 2 months later: the 50 years old, (27 years police veteran) had committed suicide after his corruption cover was blown, and staged it so that his wife and sons could get insurance, pity, and donations. Let's not forget the rampant shooting of black boys.
I do not believe any of them, until they produce the video-cam
Dr. Sifuna, don't confuse the anti-narcotics task force with the regular cops. This is a specialized unit and believe me, they always have video surveillance. They don't show up because of suspicion but because they already have some facts. So let's all chill and wait for facts. condolences the the parents and family.
Does it take a video cam of a felon murderer who was released and just stabbed his son-in-law and child for you to believe. Another sex crime sting just happenned. Man with a 12 year old-do you need a video of that too. Our law enforcement officers, I would say are at least 95% straight up, the others as one officer told me are like turds in a punchbowl, they spoil it. How would you like to wear a untiform every day. I thank God every day for those that don that uniform that is targeted for gang iniation and killing....yet they bravely leave their families and serve public such as yourself who gives them no respect. I feel sorry for your loved ones for when they need an officer, you will humble yourself. Sign me red/white/blue citizen. I love the USA and still believe our system is less corrupt than others. In some countries you cannot even talk about the government. In fact I would dare say, our country has abused its responsibility of free speech. Who is the author of chaos and unbelief - the answer is evil. I'll stay on the side of law and order every day.
@ GG, I believe you were not present and as revelations across the US continue to show, many police initiated homicides often include unnecessary and unjustified force. Take the instance of the Sean Bell shooting in New York, 50 bullets and the fabrication of a phantom armed 4th man was made up. As the law often sides with the officers "reasonable degree of fear" would you prefer that others to rush to conclusions the way you did when you find yourself the victim of such a incident? Philando Castille, Walter Scott are additional examples. The list can go on and on.
You, my friend do not know that killers of our hired law enforcement are most often felons. In fact go to the FBI and start reading how many felons and gang members killed those who put their lives on the line to protect us. We have an epidemic of criminals in our country both domestic and those that immigrate illegally to escape their past.......read it and weap, but never be so naive.
Exactly! My former neighbor danced with Ted Bundy and she said he was charming. Tell that to all the dead bodies he visited and desecrated the body over and over. Go to police web sites for criminals and see all the pretty smiles when they get arrested. This same thing happened in Smyrna where a gang member tried to run over cops with his car. He got instance justice. If an officer of the law gives an order, follow the order.
I wonder if you look like a Dr.
Do I say pole to the victim or to the parents for working so hard to get the lad in the US only to end up this way. God please protect our youths.
I dont know how true the story is but i know a young soul has gone too soon! Cousin the period you were here nothing of the sort showed but Almighty is the final judge.Shine on your way cuz😢😢😢😭
Eh why was he in the vicinity @Jane... these narcotics investigations takes months on end, so I 'm sure there is some truth to it - this young man was somewhat involved. Sad but choices has consequencies
You are correct- choices have consequences. It is even evident in the article that a series of investigations were conducted.Yes this was not a random pick.This young man unfortunately was involved in drugs(narcotics)/controlled substance.He is no saint here.It is unfortunate that the young man had to die.
Those who are vilifying cops should hold their fire till full investigation into the incident is complete.Attempting to run over a cop is tantamount to trying to kill him or her. And they are trained to shoot if their lives are in danger.Yes choices have consequences.Sometimes we dont get a second chance,and sometimes we squander it when we do.
Leave the story exactly the way it is ,except change name to Oladije Ogbnjo,and sentiments on this forum would be totally be different,I assure you that... wonder why...PREJUDICE?ftp5
@ Jane, regardless of the alleged accusations of your cousin, so sorry 4 ur loss. It hurts to loose someone you care for. Let's educate our selves, our friends & familes to never hang with a bad and group.
My brother is not or was not a thug. I pray for Justice from the blue uniforms with weapons...
@ Margaret, so sorry for the loss of your loved one. If the contents in this article are true, why did your brother made attempt to run the squad over with his car? if he was innocent then he didn't have to be afraid, why didn't he respond to the cops appropriately?
I have the same questions in mind @GG. If he was in the right place, doing the right thing and bearing in mind being black one has to be extra careful how you conduct yourself, then cops will have no business stopping you , let alone raining bullets on you . He many not have been a "thug" but he surely knew or hanged around some thugs, hiyo tuu. Like I said choices have consequencies... I feel sorry for his family .
Good jobs cops for taking such criminals straight to hell???I have said it here if u deal with
Drugs which messes up our kids by bin sold by such idiots,rape satanic idiots all this pple should b shot to death coz taking them to jail will b wasting pple taxes for ni reason.Even those who r jailed for life should b hanged instead of wasting taxes for life.Give the poor homeless pple those taxes.Am hoping Kenyans won't go to this guyz hse for hypocritical prayers to lie to pple how good he was.If u cannot do drugs please boycott going to b involve in funeral or any arrangements .Lets b pple who r principled in life.Dont give an excuse that ooohh am going to pray with family???Cheers
We can all see that taxes matter alot to you asshole. You should be hanged for free. May he r.i.p....#hislifematters
Kenyans will go to mourn the drug trader the same way MKENYA HALISI buried expired Bishop Njuguna who died from AIDs infection while on shoga business in Norway where he was another man's sex machine.
Can MKENYA confirm that they buried him
at St.James Cathedral,Limuru?
What kids you know do drugs? I bet your scared of black people and you should be cuz when I find you i got 30 niggas who gonna fuck you with hot lead pipe!!!!
If you are his friend with that kind of crude language , well conclusions can be made right here and now...... decipher that.....................
Thats my brother. Did your mother cringe whem she squeezed you out of her lady parts? May your words strangle you and your thoughts on this haunt you til the day you turn to dust!
@Margaret N Muturi, I would advice you not to read such forum or other social media. They will not help you much because people will write whatever they feel and think. People will tell it as it is and some people do not care
I agree with you. That's an idiot. How do you try run over cops in the USA......na sio walikuwa wanataka! Huyu jamaa kafiri bwana! I don't wanna hear gofundme BS
It is sad that such a strong handsome young man has gone to waste just because of wrong choices. I can imagine the amount of investment the parents had vested in him in terms of resources and love. Whether police brutality or hate in this case, the boy had some contributions to it. Let us use this case to reach our Kenyan Americans second generation to refrain from making WRONG CHOICES. My condolences to the family and our Kenyan Georgia community.
David Ikanyi of Boston.
Kwani wee ni shogaa? Handsome my behind. Mkora ni mkora. Hizi pesa za rahisi tununue tuboroti will send all our youths to hell.
Even though Incidents Like This are Very Rare for Our Kenyan Children abroad, I have been RELUCTANT to bring My Son to the US (who is finishing High School in Kenya this 2017). I have rathered he goes to University in Kenya for 1st 4 or 6 yrs after High School.
Wacha uongo bwana.You can never have a child in Kenya and campaign for election of muuaji Raila who considers
the youth as his main death
target.Or have you alredy sacrificed him to that demon?
If Uhuru pays Your Children's School Fees and Buys Them Food, then Good for You. For and My Family: We Shall Support Raila with or Without the Hand Outs you are used to From UhuRuto.
VAMPIRE/CANNIBAL RAO will kill and cannibalize you and your son vile alivyo mula Castro,his son and was about to sacrifice his daughter,Rosemary to his gods so as to win elections.
Sonko/Kabog[/Mwau agent killed was the correct headline Mr.Editor for this story.Kenyans should be reminded that USA is not Kenya where druglords finance political parties,control useless/senseless masses and counties.
Reading about police violence in the USA, directed especially among resident of the US who don't have European features, I would like to advise the non-European residents of the US to observe the following points:
1. Live your life daily and try to avoid the following professions:- police officers, lawyers, judges, and the members of the clergy (sheikhs, Imams, pastors, and reverends). Every time a police officer shoots and kills even an unarmed people, the jury finds them innocent 99.9999999%.
2. Always observe the speed limit. Keep your registration renewed and always drive with a valid driving license
3. When you drive, please have your seat belts fastened.
4. Don't argue with an American. They cannot accept criticisms and they are armed!!!!!!!!
5. If you take alcoholic beverages, please make sure that you don't drive. If the police arrests you when driving while intoxicated, your life will change dramatically.
6. If a police officer arrests you, for goodness sake, cooperate fully and follow ALL the military commands, all the yelling you are likely to encounter. Some members of the police force are members of the American terrorist organization known as the KKK. These mentally sick people will shoot you in a second even without any provocation!
7. Finally avoid taking any illegal drugs.
My condolences for the loss of life of a fellow Kenyan whose life had barely begun.
@Mkenya Kweli, Your #1 makes not sense at all. We need police officers, lawyers, Judges and clergy everyday in our communities. If you passed out in your house and your wife/son/daughter calls 911. They will send the ambulance, fire and police. If they take you to the hospital and tells you you got 2 days left. They will ask you if you want to see the clergy. If your neighbor is the one who knocked you out in your house. I guess you or your family will not like to involve the lawyer or judge in that case. It is you who need those professionals you have listed not the other way round.
I do not mean any disrespect so please do not assume that is so. This young man was my friend, a very close friend. And I am more upset because of this situation than most all of you who are not personally attached to him or his family. But I do want to correct you on a few things that you've said. Kenyans need not "fear" (and I use this term very loosely) Americans. YES, I agree, some Americans are horrible people, just like any other race. However, not every American is unable to accept criticism nor is every American armed and ready to kill for being criticized. And lastly, not every policeman is a member of the KKK. And, like I said, just as in every race, there are Americans who do behave in the manner you describe. But NOT the majority. I in no way support what happened to my friend. And I miss him terribly already, as I was in contact with him and his fiancé daily. My heart breaks for his unborn daughter who will now grow up never meeting her father, who was SO very excited to meet his first born child and who would have been the most amazing father a little girl could ever have. Please, please, try and keep focus on the situation, what and how it happened, and maybe offer logical solutions to situations similar to this one, instead of completely dismissing the actual issue at hand. We have a drug epidemic here in the USA and that's the problem that needs a solution before EVERYONE, black, white, Asian, Kenyan, WHATEVER RACE, loses someone that they love.
I am the sister. I dont know who you are. Pls contact me via email Mmuturi86@gmail.com
Well , we are all reacting and commenting on this piee of information and rightfully so and you are right, we do not know the whole story but every time I read a story, I make conclusion based on what has been provided to me. Now, if you as a friend and family want to tell your side of the story with no bias , then we will listen . Having a fiancee and a child on the way does not negate the fact that he could have been a thug- even Aaron Hernandez was a handsome, football player with a fiancee and a child so thugs are found in all shape and sizes . As a friend , did you try to advice him that drugs kill taken or traded ?
A life cut short. Young people pick your friends wisely. Do not hang with wrong people to look cool. There is no problem of being mushamba was America
Mkenya Halisi" you who is holier than though, God forbid a similar tragedy befalls your own family or those close to you. Then you will feel the pain. There are many factors that lead to young people here in America to find themselves dealing in drugs and crime. One major factor is that the system is set such that one who has even the slightest criminal record struggles the rest of their lives to find meaningful employment therefore falling into this kind of life. It can happen even to your own son. Don't you condemn for the sake of condemning without establishing the facts. Even if the facts are as stated, this young man and all others who have fallen into similar circumstances need mercy and a rally for us of good will to pray and stand with their families. Who are we to judge? "Judge not that ye not be judged..." Math 7:1-3. I implore every person that has compassion to pray for the family, go to their house for prayers and funeral arrangements if you can, contribute funds etc. Whatever you can for you are not doing it to promote the behavior that led to this tragedy but rather to mend and restore a family whose hearts are broken and hurting. Remember today it is them, tomorrow it could be you.
RIP Joel .. If the cops were there to serve him with a notice, why did they do it in his vehicle and if he was trying to run over the cop, why was the cop either behind or in front of the car.. this is the case where cops always see black folks as a threat. How many rich people get away with narcotics?
"..why did they do it in his vehicle and if he was trying to run over the cop, why was the cop either behind or in front of the car.." WTF DUDE? He is a criminal and he was trying to free himself. The shame that comes with arrest will tempt him/ someone to flee. STOP BEING IGNORANT. Nothing to do with B/W here.
@ARSENAL2016 You were not there, which would make you practically ignorant of the facts other that what is self reported by the cops, period. Philando Castille was following instructions, he is dead today. It might be you tomorrow, and we should believe whatever the cop says on face value or be considered ignorant? It is legal to own guns in the USA in many states, the report doesn't say any weapons were illegal. It was just the other day that a college student was being beaten up by the police in a neighbouring county in Georgia for no reason only for an independent recording to emerge to contradict the police account. He is not a criminal unless convicted. Isn't the below rather telling? There are after all legal drugs, so which drugs are they talking about that they cannot identify? In addition the incident is being investigated. Ignorance is drawing conclusions without known facts which you have evidently done.
"They could not immediately disclose the type of narcotics, but said “several” different drugs were found."
My condolences to the family of this young man. We don't go to funerals or maombolezi for the departed but rather to support the grieving family.
We all have relatives and friends who may have taken a wrong path. Ours is not to condemn them but rather to guide, help, and pray for them.
The drug problem is universal and Nairobi is just as bad as Atlanta so keeping your son in Kenya is not the answer.
Lastly when dealing with police acha umang'aa and simply follow their directions. Brian Nichols, a black man, killed cops, a judge, and federal agent but is still alive today because he surrendered to police.
@Hakika, please don't quote from the man-written book (bible) whose sole purpose is to disconnect you from your genetic ancestors and the ALMIGHTY CREATOR. This Creator's job was finished and completed when you received your brain at birth.
Please don't rent, lease, or hire your brain to any Tom, Dick, and Harry. Use your brain wisely 24/7/365 and you will never meet a police officer, lawyer, judge, clergy and even doctors for the rest of you life.
Ndugu Hakika, throw that garbage book in (bible) the trash can or burn it and please don't expose it to any of your immediate family members and friends.
Long live Africa without the bibles or the korans!
God have mercy on you "Msema Kweli".
@Msema Kweli. I was so LOL. Finally, someone who does not buy into the Bible shit. What happened to our African gods? The culture, proverbs and wise words were enough. We didn't need the white man's god that has since brainwashed 95 % of Kenyans.
I know this young man personally. He was one of the most selfless, giving men I have ever known. His fiancé is 7 months pregnant with his unborn daughter and he was working hard to get his life on the right track. I will not speak on what they may ot may not have found in their home. But I will say they had just moved into their new apartment only a little more than a week ago and had decided that life was NO LONGER what they wanted for their family. Also, I, in no way believe he was trying to run anyone over, but maybe trying to run FROM police. This man would NEVER intentionally hurt ANYONE. My heart goes out to his fiancé who is currently sitting in the county jail, charged with everything they found in the apartment, though I question whether she was even aware that any of it was in the house. Because like I said, they had decided it was time for a change. She is only 25 and does NOT deserve to be locked up, 7 months pregnant, for things she had no part of. Her fiancé, and father to her unborn child is dead. I can't fathom there being any worse punishment than that. This family will be in my prayers from this point on.
We get it @Heartbroken and I am a little confused. Does that mean all the thugs who go to jail leaving their pregnant wives behind don't deserve it? Think twice cuz before you spit another one.
Msema kweli thank you for telling the truth.This Jews book the bible which was installed to us stupid Africans n left our culture n our God who was working for us then but this idiots came n brainwashed ourselves n brot this white man religion to us.Shame on us no wonder we will b always b called stupid Africans???Japan,china,India kept their Gods they believed n still believe look where they are????????Anyway all am saying is when u guys takes yr prayers in this house please talk about drugs condem them tell the truth he was dealing with drugs without hiding n this will help.I have son n daughters n I will bring them n raise them good but when they become adults n choose to b drug lords,mashogas,thieves I will b the first one to call for their arrest n incase they r shot by police doing this criminal activities,yes it can b painful but again they chose that life.That guy who thinks of bringing his son to study after high sch in Usa please we have beta schools in Kenya if u can afford n trust me chances of him finishing urniversity in Kenya is higher than in the USA,atacome then he will do lpn or nursing instead of him concentrating with his engineering or aviation degree in Kenya???Western countries is not heaven my African pple?I have always stated poor Africans r in diaspora,able leave in Kenya.Again Usa cops clear all this drug idiots from the streets.Send them to hell,we need safer streets.A police is there to protect all.
As the victim's sister, thank you for the comments of encouragement during this time. As for the other negative comments, you don't know the whole story. It can happen to you. Life is a mystery. Sometimes in life one can do everything right and things still go very wrong.
@Neema, I would advice you not to read negative comments because they will hurt you more. Some people do not care they will write anything or avoid social media as much as possible.
So sorry for your loss. For the sake of your mental healths; I would advice you and your family not to read any media post neither should you respond. Follow due formal process and seek legal council. You can't stop people from commenting the way they want.
@Hakika, I do not believe in your European "god" who endorsed African slavery, has many pedophiles disguised as catholic "fathers." The catholic church is the headquarters of all world pedophiles and homosexuals. This is nothing but a "cult."
Guess who endorsed African slavery! It was one of the catholic popes.
Anyway Ndugu @Hakika, let us spend this moment trying to get answers to one of us who was killed by the police.
Someone close to the Kenyan ambassador in Washington DC should contact him and ask him to go or send someone from the embassy to find out what really happened and report to our dear "mwakilishi." We want to get a police report about the sudden of Kijana Muturi - the blacksmith.
Ndugu Hakika, your Gikuyu and Mumbi God should have on you for abandoning them and following a wrong and fake European god. "Mungu wa kambo si Mungu wako!"
Why do bongolala Kenyans export the dead/maiti home?For resuscitation by druglords/wauuji Kabogo na Joho in this case or for them together with other killers,kina Raila,Moi,Biwort to cannibalize?Mourning families should just receive donations and let the concerned municipal authority to dispose the body.
"Msema Kweli" if you do not have the guts to say pole to a grieving family as you would expect to be told if it happened to you just shut up and stop lecturing us about God and how you do not believe in the deity. If you do not believe in God, that is your business. The bible verse I quoted was meant for the family and any other who cares not you. However, I welcome you to search your soul, if you are convicted and repent, God is merciful and forgiving, He will take you as you are and relieve you off the burden of bitterness and hate.
Since the Africans have accepted to be " religious, cultural, and linguists prostitutes of the Europeans way of life, why not follow our Asians style of disposing the dead bodies by cremation?
We have adopted the European way of burial by spending a lot of money on the dead body without caring the lives of the one still living.
Money should be donated to help the wife of the late Ndugu Muturi. I know it was not part of any African culture to cremate the body of the dead. However, times have changed. It's much cheaper to cremate than to send the corpse of dead back to Kenya.
Let us focus on the living, not the dead.
Msema kweli, you have espoused sentiments that I have expressed here before. Yes, we should employ a method that is practical,and helps the most in the long run.Cremation is cheaper,and money that could be used tos end a corps home(kenya) could do alot of good for the family left behind,or even the family in Kenya.See after the body has been disposed of,in what ever matter, the chapter is closed and life goes on. As for me I have decided that my useless body be given to SCIENCE.They might learn something that could help humanity.
Time to respect a person,and help them is when they are still alive.
@maxiley, I have donated my body. FYI, once they are done with their research & studies they cremate the body. They do not keep the body forever
@heartbrocken, pls contact me at gmuturi@hotmail.com. maybe you can help me get some answers and since you knew him, help me get some closure. I had not seen him for a while.
Don't send us anymore of you're drug dealers over here, keep them in you're country where they can run over the police on their bicycles.
I insist that the cops are most likely lying about what happened. White cops, a black man, suspicion of drugs..."shoot to kill", that is the American way. However bad he was, he deserved his day in court. If he was trying to run over the cops, why not disable the car? Why shoot him?
Kenyans, stop living under the rock and see the US and the world for what it is. We are black and will be executed, whether we pray, are from Africa or not. Stay woke! Ask for police to provide their cameras, this was recorded - what's wrong with a family finding closure? Knowing how their son died?
This is a young Kenyan, probably raised as an American who has lost his life. This a son, brother and fellow Kenyan. I think that the Kenyan community should demand for answers. Just because cops say he was bad does not mean he was.
Wait for the video to be released you might be wrong or right. It is too early to make any concussion.
@Sifuna from MARS is a guest in this world who does not know you might also be killed by muuaji Raila or his militia gang,Al Shabaab in Kenya.
Sifuna should try his luck in the drug trade but usije ukalia wakikusika
@Hakika. For your information, I strongly believe in the ALMIGHTY CREATOR whose job was done when you received your brain at birth.
My brother @Hakika, you are lost beyond redemption. You worship a man-made god brought to you by thieves, rapists, land grabbers, adulterers, pathological liars, and all kind of evil people from Europe. Majambazi hawa came with a man-written book (bible) and used it at his schools where you were kept a hostage in his boarding schools in order to propagate his fake religion. They lied to the weak minded people like Hakika that the book was written by a 'god." Poor hakika's does not realize that it was a lie and still a lie.
Hakika, I will not forsake you! I want you to work hard and make Kenya a paradise devoid of all the things that I outlined above as the characteristics of the majambazi who brought you the fake book.
Make earth your paradise while you are still alive. There is no life after death or hell as the fake book told you. I will not give up on you or anyone else who accepted a lie from the European and Arab criminals (koran) pretending to be working for the ALMIGHTY CREATOR. The CREATOR does not need help or prayers as the liars made you to believe. Just respect yourself and all CREATIONS 24/7. That is the best gift that you can give the CREATOR - MUMBI!
@Msema Kweli, the argument that the creation was completed when you received the brain is stupid and cannot be supported by science as you claim to be scientist. Think twice before you write something. You received your brains when you were in your mother's womb and it was undeveloped. You want to tell us your brains never developed from the state it was when it was in your mother's womb
@Kenya. Just look around you and see the people who rented their brains to foreigners what their life is like. Look at India, they were colonized for more than two hundred years by the British terrorists. See where they are now! They make their own land rovers, motorcycles, automobiles , build their own airports, railway stations while the Chinese are building our infrastructures.
As soon as we throw away the korans and the bibles, we will be able to do what other nations have done. As long as we continue wasting time "praying" and spending many hours with fake "men of cloth" in churches who are nothing but crooked con-artists taking advantage of rented brains, we will continue having other people making cars for us and maintaining our infrastructures.
Who knows after the Chinese, will be the Russians, then the Japanese, then the Koreans. There is no end to our physical and psychological dependence as long as we continue thinking about our souls after we are dead instead of thinking about our lives NOW.
@Kenya, now that we are no longer in our mother's womb we should take advantage of our developed brain and change our curriculum in our schools and focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects so that we
can become self sufficient in our food production, create many jobs for our youth and learn how to maintain what we build.
@Msema Kweli, you are picking the wrong examples. Over 90% of Indians live in extreme poverty, they rape women in their buses, the low caste in India clean toilets with bear hands no gloves. China just sit down and wait for the west to develop technology and then they steal it. Their work is to hack into various governments and companies searching for what they can steal. Those are your heros
Nawapeni pole na pia mkono wa tanzia kwa wote mliofiwa na kumpoteza ndugu yenu Kaka Gatu Muturi. Poleni tan kwa msiba huu uliwafikia kwa ghafula.
Pia ningependa kuwashukuruni wahariri wa Gazeti hili tukufu la "Mwakilishi ," kwa kuwepo na mahali ambapo twaweza kuwasiliana kama Wanakenya. Asanteni sana. Kwa niaba ya wasomaji na pia watoao maoni yenu hapa nawatakieni kila la heri.
Not wanting to dwell on trivialities, I SOLEMNLY request that we pray for the Parents and children of the two departed souls that were prematurely plucked from amongst us. We must all appreciate the pain of losing a loved one. I regret that some peoples comments on both cases have been ignorant and in extreme bad faith to say the least if not grossly juvenile.
Having said that, I pray that we can appreciate the seriousness of both incidents. Lives have been lost. Had this two been isolated cases; one would pray and sleep. Regretfully, we have buried so many in similar circumstances, it’s not a joke. I know that we came to a great Country, but please’ I say again Please; Swimming with Kids is a responsibility that we need to weigh heavily, before we take that splash. Jumping in to the lake, and throwing your Kids there, requires very serious thought. It’s not something we should do, just because everyone else; especially our hosts’ does it.
There are numerous things that we can do very well, with the least amount of injury or death; that our hosts cannot attempt, and when they do; death or injuries are almost a sure thing. Take extreme caution, ensure all the safety, and security measures are in place; when you are throwing your family or jumping in to that river. Please remember, this is not river Chania, Kajulu, Migori, or Igwa Miti, and others, where you grew up.
Driving under the influence, or sniffing that white dust, sticking that needle, or swallowing those drugs; is cursed. God told us not to conform to ‘’the ways of Life of those people’’ you find in the Country I gave to your forefathers. Do not Ape their ways. Teach, Train, advice, and generally preach the need for God in our children’s life’s. I want to speak to the HUNDREDS of Pastors, and other men of the Clothe. You must re-evaluate your approach, you are teachers, and God has put you in a position of Authority. Use it to change lives, not to make money. God will supply all your needs, if you believe, and do according to his will. PREACH SIN and quit your feel good approach on community matters.
Most Kenyan pastors are very busy chasing after peoples daughters, wives and the Dollars. Look at most Church Events, you will see what ‘’value’’ they are to the Congregation. Parties, some, where drinking ‘wildly’ and other vices such as drugs are smuggled in’ is the norm. People are dying! We must not assume. Just count how many you know or have heard in the last three months. They are so many it
@JKorig! Do what? PRAY! are you crazy? Could you "pray" for , corruption and bribery to end before August 8!
What I am trying to do is to challenge your "dead mind." Prayer is superstition associated with witch craft for the feeble minded people. Why waste your time praying? Take positive action by not re-electing the two corrupt leaders belonging to a political party beginning with a "J." That is the kind of prayer we need in Kenya.
The other "prayer,' is arresting Toroitich Arap Moi for the money that he stole from the people of Kenya. That kind of prayer will make future leaders "behave" like descent human beings.
@Kenya you are right. There are very poor people in India. The point I was trying to make is that at least India does not import our Chinese brothers and sisters to go there and build the railroad fro them! That was my point. Ni waigua wathiomo?
"Msema Kweli", your supposedly superior brain is so corrupted that at this rate no amount of advice can help you. Please seek help - let's say probably some psych evaluation or serious counselling! Unahitaji msaada ndugu!
Sad but he should have known better than to deal in drugs and try to run over law enforcers. Condolences to the parents though.
@Hakika. I never said that I had a superior brain! Those are your words; not mine!
I am asking you to look beyond the horizon and see the entire picture about "colonialism."
When you are colonized, you are made to hate your self, have no confidence in anything which took your ancestors thousands of years to improve and perfect. You are made to feel sorry for your self and asked to emulate everything from your colonizer. This is sad. The colonizer makes you feel sorry about your ancestors. Therefore the colonizer gives you his/her:
1. Name
2. Religion
3. Language- makes you feel ashamed of your language and then you isolate your children from their grandparents. My Luo and Gikuyu brothers and sisters have not fallen victims of this attitude.
I have met several Luo and Gikuyu's children born in the USA and are fluent in their indigenous languages. Of course it is not 100%.
4. Culture ( celebrating your birthday, homosexuality, bestiality, arrogance, put downs, name calling, and the list goes on )
5. Caffeine, sugar, sodas, processed fruit juices, beer, wine, spirits, cocaine, drinking water, and the list goes on.
6. The colonizer makes you hate your hair, skin color, traditional nutritious food, gives you chemicals to bleach your skin and change your hair texture, and the list goes on.
Have you noticed that I have not criticized or condemned the late Kaka Gatu Muturi! As far as I am concerned, if you are addicted to any of the vices that the colonizer gave you, you are are not in a position to pick and choose which one to accept or condemn.
@Hakika, I feel sorry for you. You are the person who should seek help, not from your highly glorified European trained psychiatrists, but from your ancestors and all the wise men and women who have discarded the garbage imposed upon them by our colonizers. And if at the moment you don't see the bible as part and parcel of the colonialism, then my brother, you are lost beyond redemption. Just like the con-artists Awuor and all the rest of them (pastors, reverends, imams, sheikhs) who help perpetuate European colonialism through the bible.
The first step to reclaim your lost culture is to drop the colonial name and religion. If you still have a colonial name ( I discarded mine many years ago and also stopped being a christian ) and believe in the colonizers religion, you are still a "slave."
"Msema Kweli", if you are not sick, why does it bother you that someone applied their faith and quoted from their faith's primary point of reference in this case the bible to console the grieving family? If the family accepts such words of comfort, why is it painful to you? The message is meant for them, not for you. No body asked you to believe in the bible or whatever "holy" book you are so agrieved about if you have chosen not to. Your self-professed "wisdom" of seeing fault and calamity in the western or any other religion is neither here nor there, nonsensical, and childish. If you feel so strongly about your perverted views, there are thousands of other forums appropriate for such. A family is grieving their son here and the last thing they want to hear is how you don't believe in God bra bra nonsense. I am not sure but from your persistance, it sounds like you are sufferring from some kind of guilt known only to yourself and you are using such platforms as this look for an escape. This not how to find closure to your problems brother! I urge you once again, please seek help!
Well Said. Msema Kweli is suffering from inferiority complex. He fell so bad that people do not believe in what he believe and it bothers him 24/7, 365 days. That is what he has been writing for the passed few years
@Hakika. My Gikuyu brothers and sisters have a word that fits you. It is called , "muguruki." I am very proud of people like Kamau wa Ngengi ( Jomo Kenyatta) who were pioneers in dropping their slave names and abandoning christianity. Did you see Kamau go to church? Please admire other people like Mungai Njoroge, Koigi wa Mwere, Mbiyu Koinange and Ngugi wa Thiong'o.
You belong to a group of lost African souls such as Charles Njonjo, and many more others who think like you.
I used the word "muguruki" which in Gikuyu means a mad man. A person who has lost their mental faculties thinks that other people are crazy when in actual fact , he is the one who is indeed crazy. I bet your first name is a slave name and that you celebrate European based "birthdays," and go to church every Sunday, and always pray to the European god before you eat. Ndugu, amka kumekucha!
For your information, I have saved so many lost Africans like you and I will not give up on you until you wake up from your deep cultural nightmare. You picked a cultural and religious fight with the wrong person. Please go and talk to your European trained psychiatrists who will make sure that you will never recover again!
Only Jesus Christ can save lives @Mkema Kweli. If you lie to yourself that you have saved lived you are dead wrong. I have seen many people like you in hospitals and when doctors tell them that death is imminent they are very scared because they do not know where they are going. One day you will on death bed and you will not call Nyonya was Gakonya to say the last prayer for you. On your death bed you will not remember that you dropped your first name. All you will do is cry to Jesus & morphine. That is the truth upende usipende
Supposedly this young black man was a thug, in possession of narcotics and weapons....in addition supposedly he attempted to run over cops "deputy sheriff" for serving him a warrant. There is no reason trained officers would use excessive force resulting to the death of this young black man. Everyday POC are killed as a result of police this is AmeriKKKa. POC especially black men are murdered by police and it is justified not only by institutions but by uneducated citizens with their simple minded opinions. This could have been prevented. We have seen it done!! Shame on anybody who thinks the death of this young man is justifiable😠😠😠
Hold on @Manzimkenya, you do not have all the evidence. If what they have written is true the young man was trying to kill Sheriff with his car. His car is the tool or weapon he was using to kill. Nobody should be ashamed because they are referring to the information provided at this time. Yes this could have been prevented if the young man did not get into drugs and did not try to run over police with his car.
"Msema Kweli" wahenga walisema Nyani haoni kundule. First and foremost, who among the the distingished individuals you have named above irrespective of their believes and "names" would hijack a solemn platform like this one and turn it into a ranting and name calling arena? Only a "muguruki" or madman would do so and you have rightfully mirrored yourself. Remember, pride and arrogance are conditions of the heart, which is where it all starts. You will not like me quoting this but I will do so anyway. Luke 6:45 says "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth good. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." It would be hypocritical if you are actually living and writing your nonsense from a location in USA or any other of the western countries whose western culture you so much abhor. If you are living in one of these civilized countries like USA, you will by now have learnt about the notion of profiling. The fact that you are already condemning people simply because parts of their names are John, Charles etc and do not carry all tribal names like the group you have mentioned above is profiling. A mere name does not tell the whole story about oneself. You pretend to know too much about culture and religion but your entire intelligence is restricted to the selective sphere of hatred. If you really care about the names where would you place names of revered individuals who garlantly fought the western ways to free the oppressed such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Julius Nyerere, or even our own heroes like Tom Mboya, Josiah Mwangi Kariuki (JM). They had western names but that does not mean they did not fight evil in society. Are you trying to suggest that what made Njonjo a "bad" man was him bearing the name "Charles"? Very narrow and chauvinistic thinking. Secondly, you sound extremely tribal. Of all the more than 42 tribes in Kenya, you couldn't find any other notable individuals from other ethnic tribes whose names are all African? Just for the record I am a Kikuyu myself but I find your gesture extremely offensive. If you are a Kikuyu, you are of the few that portray the community in a bad light. Why couldn't you mention Oginga Odinga, Masinde Muliro, etc. Lastly and not the least, your attempt to show how purely African Jomo, Ngugi, or Koigi are is very lame. I have read Ngugi extensively and I am one of his greatrst fans. For all his staunch traditional African believes, when the political heat emanating from his literary activism - which I highly respect - became unbearable and his life was threatened, he found refuge in America. He teaches in reputable american universities and writes in English, a country that respects the freedom of worship that your evil desire is trying to strangle on this platform. The same can be said of Koigi we Wamwere who ran to the Scandinavian world when he could not take the heat. If the cultural ways and religions of these countries were that bad as you are trying to imply here, why did the two find comfort there instead of say Mr. Kenya forest, Turkana, lake Victoria region, the coast etc or in any of the African countries. As for Jomo, he might have changed his name from Johnstone Kamau to Jomo Kenyatta but history tells me that he was not educated in My. Kenya forest, but rather mostly in London where the royal family is the custodian of the Anglican church. Also Kenyatta was a practicing Catholic and his family led by mama Ngina remains practicing Catholics. So "Msema Kweli" - should accurately be"Msema uongo" - enough of your nonsense.
As long as you continue quoting from a book written to make people docile, I cannot continue to waste my time and energies on this issue with you!
I would like to apologize to you and all who feel offended by my open and candid analysis of the permanently brain washed victims of the British Empire. I should not have directed my thoughts to you the "brain washed" but to the "brain-washers."
To the immediate family members and friends of the late Gatu Muturi, I give you again my heartfelt condolences for the loss of your dear one. Believe me, I have not seen a death on Mwakilishi which brought so many Kenyans together, His death will not be in vain.
Poleni sana.
"Msema Kweli" wahenga walisema Nyani haoni kundule. First and foremost, who among the the distingished individuals you have mentioned above irrespective of their beliefss and "names" would hijack a solemn platform like this one and turn it into a ranting and name calling arena? Only a "muguruki" or madman would do so and you have rightfully mirrored yourself. Remember, pride and arrogance are conditions of the heart, which is where it all starts. You will not like me quoting this but I will do so anyway. Luke 6:45 says "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth good. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." It would be hypocritical if you are actually living and writing your nonsense from a location in USA or any other of the western countries whose western culture you so much abhor. If you are living in one of these civilized countries like USA, you will by now have learnt about the notion of profiling. The fact that you are already condemning people simply because parts of their names are John, Charles etc and do not carry all tribal names like the group you have mentioned above is profiling. A mere name does not tell the whole story about oneself. You pretend to know too much about culture and religion but your entire intelligence is restricted to the selective sphere of hatred. If you really care about the names where would you place names of revered individuals who garlantly fought the western ways to free the oppressed such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Julius Nyerere, or even our own heroes like Tom Mboya, Josiah Mwangi Kariuki (JM). They had western names but that does not mean they did not fight evil in society. Are you trying to suggest that what made Njonjo a "bad" man was him bearing the name "Charles"? Very narrow and chauvinistic thinking. Secondly, you sound extremely tribalistic. Of all the more than 42 tribes in Kenya, you couldn't find any other notable individuals from other ethnic tribes whose names are all African? Just for the record I am a Kikuyu myself but I find your gesture extremely offensive. If you are a Kikuyu, you are of the few that portray the community in a bad light. Why couldn't you mention Oginga Odinga, Masinde Muliro, etc. Lastly and not the least, your attempt to show how purely African Jomo, Ngugi, or Koigi are is very lame. I have read Ngugi extensively and I am one of his greatest fans. For all his staunch traditional African beliefs, when the political heat emanating from his literary activism - which I highly respect - became unbearable and his life was threatened, he found refuge in America. He teaches in reputable american universities and writes in English, in a country that respects the freedom of worship that your evil desire is trying to strangle on this platform. The same can be said of Koigi we Wamwere who ran to the Scandinavian world when he could not take the heat. If the cultural ways and religions of these countries were that bad as you are trying to imply here, why did the two find comfort there instead of say in Mt. Kenya forest, Turkana, lake Victoria region, the coast etc or in any of the African countries. As for Jomo, he might have changed his name from Johnstone Kamau to Jomo Kenyatta but history tells me that he was not educated in Mt. Kenya forest, but rather mostly in London where the royal family is the custodian of the Anglican church. Also Kenyatta was a practicing Catholic and his family led by mama Ngina remains practicing Catholics. So "Msema Kweli" - should accurately be"Msema uongo" - enough of your nonsense
This is another sorry excuse of murder by cops unnecessary force only with POC if this young black man was white they would have address this situation a different way. All comments and opinions regarding this young black man being a thug, being investigated for narcotics, and all other is BS.... GET INFORMED!!
Will there be black lives matter protest? A series of investigations were conducted... what does that tell you?There must be some evidence they collected that implicate this young man to some illegal activity,in my opinion.If this young man was wrongfully killed, NAACP,and a good lawyer will make the police department regret their act.Yes there are incidences the police, especially whites/racist have wrongfully killed POC.But we should also acknowledge that their are also cases where police could have used force but did not,or justified their actions.As for this case, we can only go by what is written.Unfortunately we cannot access all the facts that will be presented in court on this forum.
@Hakika. It was indeed wrong for me to hold any kind of discussion with a "saved voice mail." I should have focused on the person who knows how to record and save a voice mail. That is the "British."
Samahani sana. You cannot argue with a taped message!
@Msema Kweli, most important is that you got the message, loud and clear. Thanks
Nice shot. Thug wannabe is now food for the termites.
@Msema kweli...you may have some points there about what the heck you are talking about. write a book about how the west came to corrupt the africans with bible. I am interested to know ..may be we can learn something from you that we dont know.
And at the family that lost their loved one..poleni sana. hope you find comfort in knowing the real truth of what happened to your brother.dealing with narcotics is another story...hope our young generation can learn more. I will leave it like that.
They are lying...wapi video cam. This guy does not look like a thug...