Did you know that you can start investing as early as now, and by December, they will be proud landowners. Invest now and get a place to call home by December
Royale Court Juja
Invest here and get Kshs. 20,000 Shopping Voucher
Royale Court Juja is located 25 kilometres only from Nairobi CBD.and only 2 km from Thika Superhighway. The land is value added with a state-of-the-art estate gate with a gatehouse, stone wall perimeter fence, trees cover, street lights, well-graded access roads and piped water. The cash offer is Ksh 3.199M
Serenity Springs Lanet
Invest here and get a shopping voucher worth Kshs. 10,000
The project is located in a well-developed neighbourhood, 20 minutes’ drive from Nakuru City and touches Nakuru-Ol Kalou tarmac road. The cash offer is Ksh 1.499M
The Delight Nakuru
Invest here and get a shopping voucher worth Kshs. 5,000
The project is strategically located 300M from the fast-growing Salgaa Town, off the Nakuru-Eldoret highway. The project comes at an affordable price of Ksh 799,000 for an eighth acre plot.
The Domain Kisumu
Invest here and get a shopping voucher worth Kshs. 5,000
This project is located along the Mamboleo - Miwani road, just 10 minutes’ drive from Kisumu City and the Airport. The cost for an eighth acre is Ksh 470,000. We have graded, murramed and compacted the internal access roads. It is now a smooth ride inside this value-added project conceptualized with a gated community concept
To book a plot Call / What’s App +254 721 44 99 11