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Residents of Mbondoni village in Mwingi, Kitui County were treated to a rare drama after a one-month-old baby ‘resurrected’ during her funeral day on Saturday, leaving residents in shock. A relative of the family, Major Mwenga said that the child passed on last week on Wednesday, following a sudden illness.
According to Mwenga, drama ensued after some women, who had been tasked to dress the deceased realized change in temperature of the child, indicating that she might have been alive.
Unperturbed, the women continued to executing their task but things turn stranger when the child coughed as she was being dressed, prompting some of them to scamper out of fear.
"After the baby girl regained life, we rushed her to a nearby hospital. We have already informed the authorities about the same," said Mwenga.
Mourners who had gathered at the home for the funeral service fled after word of her ‘resurrection’ spread.
Mwenga said that since the child's grave had already been dug, as required by Kamba traditions, they will bury a banana trunk in the grave.
Residents suspect that witchcraft, which is rampant in the region, might have been involved in her 'death'.
This stories of people saying they were dead and then came back to life has become a cash cow for some people. If you watch TBN & 700 club. You will see people selling books and others materials about how they died and went to Heaven or Hell and then came back to life. Most of them are lairs
This is why mama kijiji snould not play doctor.
Am a Christian Jesus raised many from the dead, He alone can do it. I can't judge but it could be true the child rose.
As usual representing Akorino, you
had to drag Jesus...right in the hoax
How many more did Jesus raise for death,other than Lazarus?.Unless your definition of death is broader...
Our brothers and sisters from Europe brought to us many addictions . Some of the addictions are:
1. Alcoholics. they love to drink alcohol brewed the European way.
2. Foodaholics . This addiction leads to being overweight and many other illnesses such as high blood pressure and diabetes. They love eating everything European such as cakes, ice cream etc.
3. Sexaholics: People obsessed with sex and infidelity after marriage.
4. christianholics: People obsessed with the religion brought to us by the missionaries religious terrorists from Europe. christianholics are obsessed with greed, lies, corruption, lies, and going to the imaginary heaven or hell when they die. These people despise everything African such as our good traditional culture and refuse even to have to have an African name as their first name. These people live in a world of fantasy devoid of logic. Run away when you meet an Africa christian.
5. Caffeinholics
6. Sugarholics
7. Saltaholics
8. Angloholics. They hate their own languages and have to speak to their children in English .
9. Europeanholics. They love everything European and hate their African skin color and hair.
10. Genderholics. Men who believe that they are superior to women. Therefore, they pay women less salary than men.
This witchcraft thing is shear BS! I am tired of hearing it. Perhaps the child might have had a syncopal episode, became unconscious or obtunded or slid into acute coma for some reason. They must have been too quick to declare and pronounce the baby dead instead of seeking medical advice. I am a christian but I absolutely do not believe in the "resurrection" theory.