Operations at one of the terminals at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) were temporarily paralyzed on Friday after police officers at the facility seized an expensive Russian-made bottle of vodka resembling an AK-47 riffle.
Reports suggest that police officers initially mistook the bottle of the beverage for a gun, leaving them on a high alert as tension remained high. The Russian vodka named Kalashnikov vodka was found while officers frisked passengers at Terminal 1E of the Airport at around 11.00 am.
The drink had been packaged in a small box which had further been wrapped in a plastic paper, whose content looked like a firearm.
Sources said that it took the officers and other security personnel at the facility several minutes to learn that the 'AK-47' riffle was nothing but a bottle of fine Russian vodka that had been carried from Russia to Kenya on a Qatar Airways flight and later to Bangui, in the Central African Republican via a Kenya Airways plane.
Kalashnikov is one of the most popular vodka brands in Russian and is packaged in a designed resembling an AK-47 riffles.
An European beer website says that Kalashnikov Vodka is a premium vodka produced by the Glazov Distillery in Russia. The Glazov Distillery were given the right to use the brand name “Kalashnikov” when they made an agreement with the inventor of the AK 47 Kalashnikov Machine Gun, Major General Mikhail Kalashnikov.