Dinta Devani, the daughter of business tycoon the late Devani Balkrishna, her husband Abhay Singh Pathiana, and directors Samuel Ndinguri and Addah Nduta who were charged with forging the late businessman Wil
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The late business magnate Balkrishna Ramji Haribhai Devani's daughter Dinta Devani finds herself embroiled in a legal quagmire concerning her father's estate.
Allegations against her encompass the forgery of her father's will in an attempt to disinherit her two sisters. Dinta faces several counts of forgery alongside her husband Abhay Singh Pathania, Samuel Ngugi Ndinguri and Addah Nduta Ndambuki who were directors of Pelican Signs Limited. The crux of the matter lies in the unauthorized transfer of the deceased's shares in Pelican Signs Limited despite the accused not being appointed as administrators of Balkrishna Ramji Haribhai Devani's estate. Furthermore, Dinta stands accused of transferring shares in Silverstar Properties Limited to herself without her late father's proper authorization.
According to the court proceedings, Dinta is alleged to have forged a codicil to her father's will on June 5, 2019, falsely claiming it was duly executed by her late father. Compounding the issue, she purportedly presented these forged documents before a high court judge on November 2, 2020, asserting their authenticity. In total, Dinta faces five counts related to her interference with her father's estate. The offences are said to have occurred on August 14, 2019, at the Registrar of Companies in Sheria House, Nairobi, during a time when she had not been officially appointed as the administrator of her father's estate.
Jointly, all four individuals – Dinta, her husband, and the two other directors – are charged with filing an affidavit in a succession matter (E623/2020) at the high court. The prosecution alleges that they forged minutes of directors of Pelican Limited, falsely claiming their appointment as directors of the company solely owned by the deceased industrialist. In their defence, the accused sought reasonable bond terms, citing frozen accounts and financial constraints. Dinta disclosed facing health challenges requiring constant medical attention. The magistrate, after considering these submissions, ordered the accused to deposit either a cash bail of Sh 200,000 or an alternative bond of Sh 1 million.
Kumbe hata wahindi wana hizi tabia za kupatiana stress juu ya mashamba ama walifunzwo na Samuel Ndinguri and Addah Nduta?
Kumbe hata wahindi wana hizi tabia za wakenya weusi za kupatiana stress juu ya mashamba, ama ni Samuel Ngugi Ndinguri and Addah Nduta Ndambuki waliwafunza?