Kenya Battles Skin Bleaching Trend Despite Ban on 400 Dangerous Cosmetics
Kenya Battles Skin Bleaching Trend Despite Ban on 400 Dangerous Cosmet…
Fueled by societal pressures and deeply ingrained colorism, skin bleaching remains a significant… read more...
60% of Nairobi Women Fear Marriage Would Limit Their Personal Freedom
60% of Nairobi Women Fear Marriage Would Limit Their Personal Freedom
A recent survey by Mwelekeo Insights reveals that Nairobi women are increasingly prioritizing… read more...
Kenyan Women Risk Health with Dangerous Jaw-Wiring Weight Loss Trend
Kenyan Women Risk Health with Dangerous Jaw-Wiring Weight Loss Trend
In Kenya, a troubling trend has emerged among young women turning to jaw-wiring as a weight-loss… read more...
Majority of Kenyan University Students Get Drugs Through Friends, Lecturers
Majority of Kenyan University Students Get Drugs Through Friends, Lect…
A recent study by the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA)… read more...
The Story Behind Valentine's Day: Origins, Traditions, and Modern Celebrations
The Story Behind Valentine's Day: Origins, Traditions, and Modern…
Valentine's Day is globally celebrated on February 14, 2024, which falls on a Friday this year. The… read more...
From Baggy Hoodies to Ripped Jeans: How Kenyan Parents Address Gen Z Style
From Baggy Hoodies to Ripped Jeans: How Kenyan Parents Address Gen Z S…
The festive season has brought to the forefront a generational divide in fashion as millennial… read more...
The Rising Popularity of Catapults in Nairobi
The Rising Popularity of Catapults in Nairobi
Nairobi's urban landscape is witnessing a notable rise in the availability and use of catapults,… read more...
Uganda's Rolex: From Street Snack to National Icon
Uganda's Rolex: From Street Snack to National Icon
Uganda's revered street food, the rolex, has garnered international recognition not only for its… read more...
Inside Lake Baringo's Polygamous Haven
Inside Lake Baringo's Polygamous Haven
Parmolok Island, often referred to as the "Island of Love," is situated approximately five… read more...
How Boxing Day Got Its Name and Purpose
How Boxing Day Got Its Name and Purpose
Boxing Day, observed on December 26, serves as an extension of the Christmas holiday in several… read more...
How Show-Off Spending During Festivities Bankrupts Nairobi's Middle-class
How Show-Off Spending During Festivities Bankrupts Nairobi's Midd…
As the festive season draws near, an observable trend emerges among urban dwellers who return to… read more...
Why Swahili Architecture in Lamu Embraces Interconnected Storey Buildings
Why Swahili Architecture in Lamu Embraces Interconnected Storey Buildi…
Lamu, a coastal town in Kenya, exemplifies a unique blend of history and cultural tradition. The… read more...
Beer in Ugali, Mutura: How Kenyan Chefs are Redefining Street Food
Beer in Ugali, Mutura: How Kenyan Chefs are Redefining Street Food
The intersection of traditional Kenyan cuisine and innovative brewing techniques has yielded a… read more...
Sex Trade Breeds Wealth and 'Curses' in Mount Kenya
Sex Trade Breeds Wealth and 'Curses' in Mount Kenya
The sex work industry in the Mt. Kenya region has undergone a major transformation, emerging as a… read more...
The Dark Side of Kenyans' Obsession with Matumbo
The Dark Side of Kenyans' Obsession with Matumbo
The consumption of matumbo, or tripe, has experienced a significant surge in Kenya, driven largely… read more...
Shela: Lamu's Playground for the Global Elite
Shela: Lamu's Playground for the Global Elite
The Lamu Archipelago, situated off Kenya's northern coast, comprises over 35 distinct islands that… read more...
Luhya's Primate Delicacy at Odds with Mpox Fears
Luhya's Primate Delicacy at Odds with Mpox Fears
In the verdant forests of Kakamega and Vihiga counties in western Kenya, a complex relationship… read more...
How Kenyans Have Embraced the Solo Dating Trend
How Kenyans Have Embraced the Solo Dating Trend
The concept of solo dating has gained significant traction in recent years, offering individuals an… read more...
Many Kenyan Women Embrace Plastic Surgery to Enhance Their Curvy African Figures
Many Kenyan Women Embrace Plastic Surgery to Enhance Their Curvy Afric…
The Kenya Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (KSPRAS) hosted its Annual… read more...
Is Nairobi Ready for Robot Servers?
Is Nairobi Ready for Robot Servers?
In Nairobi's Kileleshwa suburb, a new dining establishment is captivating both residents and… read more...
Kenyan YouTuber Ordered to Pay MP Millions in Landmark Defamation Case
Kenyan YouTuber Ordered to Pay MP Millions in Landmark Defamation Case
The Nyamira County High Court has delivered a landmark ruling in a high-profile defamation case… read more...
Taxation, Inflation Erode Happiness in Kenya, Global Study Finds
Taxation, Inflation Erode Happiness in Kenya, Global Study Finds
The 2024 World Happiness Report reveals a decline in Kenya's happiness score, snapping a five-year… read more...
Kenyan Women Embrace Ginger Shots and Okra Water, But Caution is Advised
Kenyan Women Embrace Ginger Shots and Okra Water, But Caution is Advis…
A surge in popularity for ginger-lemon shots and okra water has swept across Kenya, particularly… read more...
From Mukombero to Maasai Shuka: The Surprising Global Appeal of Kenya Household Items
From Mukombero to Maasai Shuka: The Surprising Global Appeal of Kenya…
Ordinary everyday items found in Kenyan households are surprisingly coveted in international… read more...
Former British Soldier Faces Bigamy Charges Over Kenyan Marriage
Former British Soldier Faces Bigamy Charges Over Kenyan Marriage
A former British soldier stationed in Nanyuki, Kenya has revealed an unusual situation surrounding… read more...
US Prophetess Sells Property, Leaves 30-Year Marriage for Kakamega Man
US Prophetess Sells Property, Leaves 30-Year Marriage for Kakamega Man…
In 2014, Ruth Boyce embarked on a life-changing adventure when she left the United States to serve… read more...
[VIDEO] Desperate Irish Traveler in Kenya Pleads for Help After Squandering €2,000 with a Kenyan Girlfriend
[VIDEO] Desperate Irish Traveler in Kenya Pleads for Help After Squand…
Patrick Brady's plight began when he embarked on a journey from Ireland to Kenya in November,… read more...
Pope Francis Labels Africans a 'Special Case' in Light of LGBTQ+ Blessing Controversy
Pope Francis Labels Africans a 'Special Case' in Light of LG…
The head of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis has addressed the challenges faced in gaining… read more...
Dermatologists Sound the Alarm on Rising Skincare Use Among Children
Dermatologists Sound the Alarm on Rising Skincare Use Among Children
The British Association for Dermatologists has raised concerns about the increasing number of… read more...
Family Feud: Children Accuse Preacher's Partner in Inheritance Dispute
Family Feud: Children Accuse Preacher's Partner in Inheritance Di…
The children of a preacher, who operates churches in Kenya and Uganda, have taken legal action… read more...