The head of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis
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The head of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis has addressed the challenges faced in gaining acceptance for his stance on blessing LGBTQ+ couples, particularly in Africa.
In an interview with Italian publication La Stampa, the Pope acknowledges that Africans pose a unique case due to their cultural perspectives, which often result in a lack of tolerance for homosexuality. Explaining his position, the Pope mentions that those vehemently protesting his stance typically belong to small ideological groups. However, he singles out Africans, noting that their resistance to homosexuality stems from cultural beliefs that view it as "bad." According to him, this cultural perspective makes Africans a special case when it comes to the acceptance of LGBTQ+ communities.
The Pope stands by his previous guidance regarding the blessing of non-traditional and same-sex couples, affirming his intention to promote unity within the Roman Catholic Church. Despite facing backlash, he remains optimistic that his critics will ultimately come to accept his decision. Emphasizing the inclusive nature of the guidance, the Pope clarifies that its purpose is to bless the church's faithful rather than the actual union itself.
He highlights the significance of acknowledging the sins of all individuals and urges against categorizing sinners as either acceptable or unacceptable within the Church. He emphasizes that such divisions are inconsistent with the teachings of the Gospel. Initially, Pope Francis had issued a directive instructing Catholic priests to bless same-sex marriages. This decision faced opposition, particularly from African priests. Specifically, priests from Kenya resisted the Pope's directive, and certain bishops even prohibited the blessing of same-sex marriages in their dioces.
So what? Get your mind out of the gutter. Is sex the only thing on your mind? No homosexual is stopping you from chasing women,that is if you are a man.Other animals your God created engage in homosexuality too.And remember we are animals.
As for the Pope, I would like for him to state his position on AI girlfriends,because, soon men will start marrying their AI fiancees.It's happening in Japan-Where Catholic church has no impact whatsoever.I guess Pope will say"Japanese case is special".
Just to say."I condemn it" wont cut it.
He could be the last pope.He has turned into a politician, trying to play both sides of the holy scriptures vs. secular church.He can't have his cake and eat it too. Maybe he should read what the Bible says and understand what Africa says about it cultural values and norms.Like Jesus said when he quoted the words of his father in Mark chapter 7 :- This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.You let go of the commandment of God and cling to the tradition of men.
God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. What part of this don't you understand you woke Pope on dope?