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Kenyan tycoon Chris Kirubi has given his take on the institution of marriage, describing it as a form of enslavement.
Kirubi who spoke during an interview on Churchill Show on Sunday, asked men to be careful while choosing their marriage partners or else they risk imprisoning themselves for life.
“Marriage is enslavement, you have to be careful. You have to agree to go into slavery, to go to jail, and not to go there to test it and get out. It is a permanent affair you are jailed for life.”
“If you marry a good woman, it is such a pleasure. But there are some women, it’s like they first went to the army then came back for you to marry them; they are always in a fighting mood. Good has to bless you,” said Kirubi who divorced his wife in 1991.
While acknowledging that there are some good Kenyan women, Kirubi noted that Ugandan women are the best as they treat their husbands with respect.
“The Ugandan woman will come to untie my shoes when I come back asking me of my day at work. They are very polite; you never fight with them. If you have never experienced, you better go to Uganda and go with one-way ticket, because you might never come back.”
The 79-year-old businessman further talked about his two children—his daughter Mary-Anne Musangi who works as the Managing Director of his company Haco Industries, and his son Robert Kirubi who works in Brussels, Belgium as the head of Global Customer Programs at DHL Service Logistics.
"My daughter is here in Kenya is the MD of my factory, Haco Industries. My son is in Brussels; he works for DHL. I think they pay him so much money he refused to work for me but its good he has also accumulated a lot of experience," Kirubi said Kirubi in the interview.
Kirubi, who has invested heavily in various sectors including media, real estate, agriculture, and manufacturing, is among the richest individuals in the country.
This was Kirubi’s first interview since he returned to the country in August 2019 from the US, where he underwent cancer treatment for months. He defeated the illness.
Even though Kirubi is Entitled to his Opinion, I agree with your Sympathy with his Xwife.
Marriage is like a cage; one sees the birds outside desperate to get in, and those inside equally desperate to get out.
For once, Kirubi’s talking sense - not only are some men gona be enslaved for life, they’ll also be called pets. A few will be lucky, though, coz, as he says, there are a few very decent women out there but they are hard to come by.
And our culture is especially nasty - forces men to pay upfront for all the sex they’ll be getting in the course of the marriage through a hefty dowry - why should this be? Is this not institutionalized prostitution? Not to mention that in the real world ‘women are especially encouraged to apply’ increasingly determines who gets a job to earn money ...... it’s a lop-sided world guys & be smart with women out there. It’s no surprise men are overwhelmingly shying away from marriage; it’s the logical consequence of this warped state of affairs
Now, the salvos can begin
Exactly. Let man tanga tanga everywhere, till HIV catch him
Exactly that is what this old Geek is saying! Very unfortunately because you would think he is knowledgeable and know a little better!
Men avoid marriage it's not troubles of being controled by hormones changes nagging.
Men avoid marriage it's not troubles of being controled by hormones changes nagging.
Tell that to your ugly looking Chinese women! The mad man you are helping has his thingy dead and it is the size of your small Chinese pinus!
It's pathetic that a respectable elderly African man like Kirubi would equate marriage to slavery, That's extreme. The foundation of our families is marriage. I would imagine that you're a product of a marriage of sorts. Marriage to you seems to mean a slave master relationship where she awaits to remove your shoes. You should encourage our people to improve and protect marriage for the sake of our children of tomorrow. And why is your son working for DHL in a foreign country instead of assisting his 79 year old billionaire father move his economic empire far and beyond? Something doesn't seem right.
Chris is estranged with his son. Why, because of their mother. Chris own daughter Maryanne used to find her dad at home with girls younger than her. There are some bitter family ties there. Maryanne is Daddys girl & son is Mummy's boy.
Now I get it! No wonder Chris finds refuge in his little girl because she condones a cheating dad! Well, not any more since he can’t get it up!!
When you don’t do this God’s way.. it’s purely slavery.. not just marriage.. life in general... but I think it’s wrong to call marriage slavery just bcs it never worked for you. Marriage is good! Period.. in Uganda or Kenya...
God has nothing to do with marriage. Marriage is an unnatural thing invented by humans due to the difficulties of raising offspring that are dependent for extra long years. It doesn't happen in any other spheres of nature. And the benefits are unproportionately enjoyed by the woman.Women need marriage more than men do. A man can get anything he gets in marriage without having to marry, not so the woman. And after the woman's offspring are grown, she has no more use for the man. Ask any of those 60something years old newly single men whose " loyal" wives have suddenly bolted.
It seems Kirubi's son doesn't want to be caught off guard in case of a bloody revolution in Kenya.Thug/shoga Kirubi can only advice you how to loot from hungry,billionaire Kenyans.He seems to suggest all married women are slave keepers.But it would have been better if the writer asked his former wife(who is still alive) why they divorced.I am not a woman but the truth is not all women will entertain a monster which prefers SEWAGE LINE SEX to the normal one.Many of them don't care about polygamous families or concubines but not like thug Kirubi's THREE KNOWN MALE "WIVES".
Sir, you married the wrong person. You wanted a slave but married a woman who could not stand your enslavement. Marriages are the bedrock of society. You get married to a partner who is an adult like you. You can have your Ugandan girls who treat you well because of your money, but Kenyan women know who they are, not slaves but equal partners in the union. For a 79 year old, riches has gotten into your head. Men of your age would give better advice on marriage.
@kamande - this is the first time you have said something sensible on Mwakilishi! You normally write gibberish crap like a two year old ilk!
Maybe we just needed Kirubi to sort you up and turn your brains around! You had gotten me to think that all kikuyu men are maleshovinistic!! Good you have now cleaned your record as you have condemned an old senseless rich fart!
I’m a Ugandan woman, and surely I don’t Know which Ugandan women he is talking about! We don’t take crap from men! I guess money talks for some desperate women any where in the world? Just go figure this mess out!
Be ware of such men. What they talking about is the freedom to roam around. They also like oppressing women to obey and serve them. Why equate something that someone goes into willingly to slavery where one has no choice? So many women have suffered in the hands of mean husbands.
Marriage is a beautiful thing. All you have to do is get a formula that work for you both. Many people have enjoyed their marriages. Kirubi was looking for a slave not a wife. Those who have been reading Mwakilishi for a while know the term guest1 or iphone4 used to call him.
My question is, why do you have to Marry, if Marriage is a form of enslavement? Who forces you to marry? By the way, I believe that Kirubi's Sentiments are genuine. Statistics show that more than 50 percent of Kenya's wealth is owned by a few Men from Murang'a, specifically Kangema, where Kirubi comes from. One Village in Murang'a, called Rwathia, owns more than half of Nairobi, and Kenya. They are humble people, who don't say much about themselves. By the way, I believe that Polycarp Igathe, he who refused to Deputize Mike Sonko as Deputy Governor, is Chris Kirubi's biological son.
Kirubi, if you are a present day homeguard just say so. Currently, there is a spiritual war and you with your money are on the wrong side of history.
Our forefathers believed in marriage. The marriage institution is under assault by the west. For you to be on their side is a shame. To disparage our culture, to hate our mothers, aunts and sisters reveals your self loathe.
If that is how you feel about our beliefs and who we are, please pack and join your son in the western nations. Soon you will be forced to make a choice to uphold the God of our forefathers who believed in marriage or Ceasar Boggio who does not believe in marrige but believes in alphabets. In this case, you are either for the black nation building or you are for those who corrupt the fabric of our society.
Stop hiding behind your experience. It is not needed. We do not need " role models" like you anymore. We are our own experts!! Better to obey God rather than man.
Dont marry women as they have HIJACKED what was good for family.. Always take custody of children and demand children support from dangerous unpredictable human.
Kirubi has a point modern day marriage is like slavery because of the invasion of our communities by foreign cultures the wife husband roles have changed for the worse and divorce rates out of the roof
I hope you all know his niece in states was an oppressed woman in marriage... She had married with a daughter but her heinous abusive husband, snatched, shipped, the little girl back to Kenya, he also abused, threatened the niece to kirubi, she never traveled home even to her moms funeral.
The saddest part, from inside kirubi niece under a very long abusive marriage was a slave to her husband.... It was sooooo bad she rarely left the hse. She coukd never talk to relatives.
How bad did it get. She got cancer and in my believe was not able to seek treatment... By the time of diagnoses, it was stage 4... She never told her relatives. When finally her dad was made aware, he came to say his goodbye.... Even then.
What shocked the hell outa of us rela s....
We had no idea and how did we find out she was dead. The monster went on her Facebook page put couple words.
Thought it was a scam.. But yap that was it.
Kirubi had money although he got away he attends funetl,
He could be speaking from his own experience or cauze of his nieces experience
I believe the little girl never went for funeral....
I really don't condone how he is advising... I hope he had no such talk with his nieces hubby either... Cauze could have given a go ahead jeeeeeeeez toooo much jibilish
Never proof read
I hope you all know his niece in states was an oppressed woman in marriage... She had married with a daughter but her heinous abusive husband, snatched, shipped, the little girl back to Kenya, he also abused, threatened the niece to kirubi, she never traveled home even to her moms funeral.
The saddest part, from inside kirubi niece under a very long abusive marriage was a slave to her husband.... It was sooooo bad she rarely left the hse. She coukd never talk to relatives.
How bad did it get. She got cancer and in my believe was not able to seek treatment... By the time of diagnoses, it was stage 4... She never told her relatives. When finally her dad was made aware, he came to say his goodbye.... Even then.
What shocked the hell outa of us rela s....
We had no idea and how did we find out she was dead. The monster went on her Facebook page put couple words.
Thought it was a scam.. But yap that was it.
Kirubi had money although he got away he attends funetl,
He could be speaking from his own experience or cauze of his nieces experience
I believe the little girl never went for funeral....
I really don't condone how he is advising... I hope he had no such talk with his nieces hubby either... Cauze could have given a go ahead jeeeeeeeez toooo much jibilish
Never proof read
What are you trying to say @outcast? Boy, you just write English like Kirubi talking non stop! Kirubi is talking about himself as all rich farts tend to brag when women dump their ass!
This old gherkin is now playing as a devil’s advocate against the institution of marriage simply because he can’t get his dick to wake up at his very old age!
I guess things have change where old men used to take advisory role in all matters of life; marriage included, to the young men for the betterment of the society!
Kirubi, you can put your small dick next to your money and tell it to charge up! Or better yet, you can use some old car jumper cables to charge your shriveled little thingy!
No woman wants to be near you because you can’t sexually satisfy her, or better it you could die on top of her as you attain some spasmodic orgasm!
Ok guys - Kirubi says we try them Uganda babes! Let us all start marching to Kampala Uganda to look for those Women who will not talk back to men and make us slaves!
What do they eat out there? Matoke and nyama choma? Do they know how to boil waru, mboga na muchere?
@Museveni - do you have a single daughter I can marry? I might as well start with the famous and wealthy! I’m waiting for some response from my new father-in-law to be! Mr. Museveni!
Kirubi is just mad that even Viagra won’t work for him! Just too old!
Anybody who has heard the phrase I will put my husband in his place either said in words or actions knows some marriages are absolute slavery.
Chris Kirubi should now start thinking about sunset years. Forget about your old relationship disappointments being today’s advice. Forget also about acting Oprah. You are not a great marriage advisor. Oprah herself has never been in a stable marriage despite the jillion moonies. Blah!!!
He is the definition of the poor billionaire.
No Sir, your son couldn't stand you nor work for you because you competed with him. Saw it first hand too. Mr. & Ms. University peagent- HACO main sponsor- trying to compete with Airtel at the time on having the main Banner with your logo on it. Your son was at the event- had a mad crush on this chick- chick ends up going to sleep with the father. I'm not telling you what I heard, I'm telling you what I know. KENYAN WOMEN ARE THE BEST, MOST BEAUTIFUL, MOST TALENTED, MOST CARING WOMEN IN THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD. I would despise a wife who only thinks about sex and pleasing me day in, day out and cherish a wife who keeps me on my toes, supports me, works with me, chips in in every aspect and reminds me on the projects we are yet to complete. I would make love ALL NIGHT EVERY NIGHT to a woman who reminded me, " Eh, baba Mwangi- hiyo nyumba lazima tumalize end of this year! " or " School fees is around the corner- what may I do to help honey" But mambo ya kuwa submissive kila saa, be very careful- that's an easy woman. You know what easy means. And Kenyan men will just be stepping all over her like a door mat. "Be meek and Submissive to your husbands" SAID NO MAN EVER TO THEIR DAUGHTERS. We have to change this narrative. And don't quote the Bible coz where it says "Wives be submissive" what Does it say about men? Read and interpret correctly. Coz Goddamit I don't care how long you kneel or how many sex styles your pull before I mwaga, if you ain't helping better our lives ISSA NO! Kirubi- wewe hata I ain't got no words for you. Tulia babu!
It is the confused family life of rich and famous! They have no moral boundaries! No wonder mama Gathoni had to let him go back in the 1990s! @Baba Mwangi, make sure not to follow the dirty footsteps of your grandpa here! That’s all I got to say!!
" Eh, baba Mwangi- hiyo nyumba lazima tumalize end of this year! "... lol you got that right Baba Mwangi!
Good advice Chris Kirubi. The woman who divorced you must be regretting now that you are so wealthy. Women need to learn that time changes. Today I could be poor and tomorrow could be a rewarding story.