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A Kenyan man in Dallas, Texas already facing capital murder charges has been charged with 11 more murders.
46-year-old Billy Kipkorir Chemirmir, who is already in jail being held for the March, 2018 murder of a woman in her apartment in Plano, Texas, was this week indicted in six new murder charges in Dallas County and five murder charges in Collin County.
After Chemirmir, a health care worker, was arrested and charged in the March murder of 81-year-old Lu Thi Harris (READ: Kenya Native Billy Chemirmir Indicted on Capital Murder of an Elderly Woman in Dallas, Texas), authorities in Dallas County and surrounding jurisdictions started investigating him for hundreds of unresolved murders in the Dallas area.
"It will be a monumental task, but we’re up for the challenge and we’re gonna make sure we check each and every case,” Dallas Police Department Executive Assistant Chief of Police David Pughes said at a March, 2018 press conference.
Authorities at the time said they were investigate him for murders that all seemed to have been committed in similar manner.
All the 12 people Chemirmir has been charged with killing were all elderly women, and were killed by being smothered with a pillow. The women ranged in age from 76 to 94.
In the Lu Thi Harris’s killing, police say Chemirmir knocked on her door and ordered her to go to bed. She compiled, but police say Chemirmir put a pillow over her face which caused her to close consciousness, then stole her jewelry. He was later seen on surveillance camera throwing a jewelry box belonging to Lu Thi Harris in an apartment complex dumpster.
Chemirmir is being held in Dallas County jail on $9.1 million bond. He also has an immigration hold on him.
RELATED: Kenyan Family Shocked by News that their Son Could Be a Serial Killer in the US
They cannot wait to execute him. This is Texas not a joke aka Kenya court.
Jubilee damu.
Sielewi ni lipi linaloweza kumuelekeza mhamiaji yeyote kujihusisha na vitendo vya uhalifu, kiwango cha kuuwa hasa ukiwa Marekani. Waweza kuishi Marekani raha mstarehe kwa hata miaka 50, kama kweli utaheshimu na kufuata sheria za Marekani ambazo hufuatwa neno baada ya lingine. Kasumba ya Wakenya wengi ya kuwa utavunja sheria yoyote ile na kisha uhongane na kesi hio kutupiliwa mbali haitendeki hapa. Ndugu yetu huyu, ambaye namuombea kheri na ushindi katika kesi hii, yumo taabani ya taabani. Jimbo la Texas, ambalo ndilo lingali linatekeleza hukumu ya kudunga mhukumiwa na sindano ya sumu, ni nadra kuwasamehe watu weusi, na hasa ukiwa mhamiaji. Ndugu yangu Kipkorir Arap Chemirmir, wazungu hawa wa Texas hawachezi ni wauaji walio weusi, na aweza kifungo cha maisha na miaka zaidi ya mia nane, yote yakiandamana, kama watampata na hatia. Anahitaji kuwa wakiri mzuri wa kumtetea ili kujinasua na yanayomkondolea macho. Nakuombea kheri Arap Chemirmir unapopampana na shutuma za mauaji kumi na mawili.
I would be curious to know if he interacted and socialized with Kenyans wherever he lived. I ask this because to kill 12 people,and act normal amongst you people would be very hard,I think.Unless he is a hell of an oscar winning actor,or may be people noticed his"weiredness" but he explained it away as, fatigue, sickness,stress...
He might as well be held without bond $9.1 is alot of cash even if he pays only 10%.Now the 10 million question is,"is he really normal".
@ Maxiley I think ni tamaa. And a little bit of bad lack. Some sort of Karma. The guy comes from a prominent family in Texas. The sister who initially came to the US struggled to set up businesses here and she brought all of them, fifty and counting. Hakichagua step bros or sizs or extended family. While some have been serious and built on what their late sister had initiated, others from the family walikuwa tu vituko. One of the businesses ni hiyo ya home health. They own more (nyumba za wazee) than any other Africans in the lone state. So they are wealthy sana. Issue ya kuwa around Kenyans- this is a family that meets regularly and rushas parties for people etc. Ofcourse kwa hizo manyumba kuna wa Jamuhuri wenye hawajakinda majuala, and in a nutshell wanatumika vibaya sana, wengine hata hawalipwi. So really ni mchanganyiko ya vitu mob. When he tried it once akaona amefaulu (maybe even under the cover of their own nyumba za wazee, he felt bold enough kuendelea). It's sad jamani. At the end of the day- It is that Kenyan name that we all carry that's being dragged in filth. Wacha Mungu Ahusike!
Asante sana Nadia. I did not know that he was killing these wazee in his own business... Terrible.
lakini tamaa has its limits. Nisomething else involved here. Kicha mbaya.
Ndugu yangu @Maxiley and Ndugu yangu mwingine @MjuAji:
Nyote mmesema mambo ambayo Wakenya wanaotazamia kuja Marekani yafaa wajue na pia waelewe kwa kina. Nilikutana na mtu mmoja kutoka nchi ya Sierra Leone hapa Marekani Marekani.
Mtu huyu kutoka Sierra leone aliniambia, alipokuwa akiendesha motokaa, alisimamishwa na askari halafu akaamrishwa aweke mikono yake kwenye usukani (steering wheel). Polisi alipofika mahali alipokuwa, aliondoa mikono yake kutoka kwenye usukani ili ampe "kitu kidogo."
Askari polii alimwonya na kumwambia asidhubutu kufanya hivyo tena kwa sababu alikuwa tayari kumpiga risasi. Huyu ndugu yetu kutoka Sierra Leone aliniambia ya kwamba katika nchi yake, kufanya alivyokuwa akitaka kufanya ni jambo la kawaida.
Ni muhimu balozi wa Marekani katika nchi ya Kenya ajitahidi kuwapa maelekezo ya mazingira (orientation) ya maisha hapa Marekani hasa kwa wale ambao wanatazamia kuja kuishi hapa Marekani.
Jela za Marekani zimejaa Wakenya wengi ambao wangali wanafikiria kuwa wangali Kenya. Ndugu Matiang'i ameshindwa kabisa na kazi yake. Polisi wa Kenya wangali (still) wanapokea (receiving) rushwa barabarani wakati huu ambao kila mwananchi anaweza kutumia simu yake yake kiganjani (cell phone) kuwanakili matapeli polisi na kumaliza rushwa barabarani kwa muda usiozidi wiki moja!
@Maxiley, umestaajabu kuwa huyu ndugu yetu angaliwezaje kufanya vitendo vibaya kama hivi kwa muda mrefu bila Wakenya wenzake kujua! Hapa Marekani, ni vigumu sana kumjua mtu vizuri sana kwa sababu watu huishi maisha ya kisiri (closet) na si rahisi kumjua mtu anayeishi maishi ya aina mbili (double lives)!
Maoni yangu ni kuwa ndugu yetu Chirchir alianza kuwaua watu alipokuwa Kenya. Alikuwa tayari ameshazoea kuutoa uhai wa binadamu bila kusitasita (without any hesitation) au kuwaza vitendo kama hivi vya ajabu na pia vya kutisha.
Waswahili walisema, "Siku za mwizi ni arobaini."
@ Ndugu Imara. You said something huhimu sana. Orientation. If someone is not informed,or given some orientation as to what to expect in the foreign land, all he /she knows is what was inculcated in them while in this case in Kenya. Like your example Ya Msierraleon. He did what he knew people in sierraleon do in akishikwa na askari...unbeknown to him that hapa si kama freetown.
Some one said- education is acountinuous discovery of how ignorant we are.And thus education has no ending...,and orietation is education.
Ndugu yangu @Maxiley:
Waswahili wana methali inayosema, " Elimu haina mwisho." Mimi nimesema nitakuwa mwanafunzi mpaka akili yangu itakapodidimia (sink) kabisa.
Texas where Lethal injection is graciously glorified