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Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi has become the first health facility in the region to successfully perform penile implant surgery.
The procedure was done on a male patient who has been suffering from erectile dysfunction and had unsuccessfully sought alternative treatments in the past.
Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi says the surgery, which takes roughly an hour to perform, is the first of its kind in East and Central Africa.
It involves implanting a prosthetic device in the penis, which allows a man with erectile dysfunction to get an erection.
“The advantage of this surgery is that the man can have intercourse anytime they like without using medication,” Dr. Ahmed Yousef, a Consultant Urologist and the lead surgeon for the procedure said.
“Through this procedure, his erectile dysfunction condition has been treated. If he had an issue with premature ejaculation, it will also be treated by this procedure.”
Medical tests on this patient revealed that his condition was caused by severe venous leakage in his manhood. As a result, his veins would not contract normally meaning he could not get erections sufficient for sexual activity.
Aga Khan University Hospital says about 15-20 percent of men in Kenya suffer silently from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
“These patients can access specialized care from urologists at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi,” the hospital said in a statement on Thursday.
I envision a "fleet" of septuagenarians and octogenarians,in addition to other male homosapiens with erectile disfaction jamming phone lines,and crashing servers at Aga Khan... Haleluya finally salvation has come Modern miracles at work. Heil SCIENCE.This would be afinancial boon to young beauties,and commercial sex workers...
There is a wide open market in matters of sex.Most women dont orgasm,and also have other sexual issues of their own.Solutions to male problems usually get attention I would say due to male driven solutions.In addition,women dont speak out openly when mzee falls shot of meeting the satisfaction goal of his wife. Can you imagine in the Arab world women throwing burkas,and hijabs,and complaining and demanding sexual freedom?Or can you fathom "Halima" in Eighsleigh showing her 2 minute ejaculating husband this article and saying Allah has a miracle at Aga Khan that can extend you to 15 minutes the way I would like..MMmmmm like Hassan got me used to ?I purposefully targeted muslims here because of their sexually oppressive an repressive societies...My two pennies.
Comrade Maxiley,
To add to your point, this will be a great business VENTURE for hospitals, based on the fact that, THE BIGGER THE BELLY, THE SMALLER THE D**K. It's an inverse proposition.
And since most "RICH FOLKS", Don't want to hit the GYM,this will be a good alternative, until HEART attacks starts getting them.
@Kora Kanini, you made my day.I needed a chuckle after looking at frustrating spreadsheets...
Is the prosthetic as good as the original or should we ask the female species to provide an accurate assessment the 'host' is just happy it works
Guest, when are you going to learn or accept the fact that the penis is not the main pleasure button for female pleasure. One inch ,6 inches, 9 inches, it does not make adifference.The "bean" is the main trigger for female "happiness", and its not situated by the gate where the penis can come in contact with it.Therefore believe it or not, the tongue ranks high is satisfying awoman.And ofcourse you have to know how to wriggle it. Sure some women enjoy the thrusting,and all that,but its not the "pleasure club" most men,especially africans men think.The dick is just for peeing and carrying spermatozoa...
And now you know.
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