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Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha says her ministry will not be giving condoms to underage Kenyans to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Nakhumicha pointed out that as a Christian woman, she advocates for abstinence as a precautionary measure against sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy among teenagers.
“I am Mama Kanisa (a church woman), therefore number one is abstinence; that we teach our youth, our adolescents to abstain,” Nakhumicha said on the sidelines of the ongoing African Union Summit 2023 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
While acknowledging that condoms have been used around the world, the cabinet secretary maintained that Kenyan teenagers should be able to abstain with what she termed “firm Christian foundations”.
“Where they cannot abstain, then of course, condoms have been said as one of the ways to use protection. But I believe with firm Christian foundations that our adolescents should be able to abstain,” she added.
Nakhumicha spoke during the joint African Union Development Agency-PEPFAR briefing commemorating 20 years of partnership to end HIV/AIDS as a public health threat in Africa and the world.
Her remarks came a week after the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) executive director Winnie Byanyima urged Kenya to allow teenagers to access contraceptives.
“Increasing access isn’t just about putting clinics and making available contraceptives, it’s more than that, it’s about safe spaces where girls and young women can feel safe, have the privacy that they need and also have the choice of the method they want so as to protect themselves from infections, HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s). This is not happening for every girl and every woman,” Byanyima said during her visit to Kenya last week.
“If a girl is going to be exposed to situations where she is having sex, forced sex or consensual sex then she needs lifesaving protection. I wouldn’t want to see any child getting pregnant or getting infected just because of a moral argument that is not applicable and if it was really applicable would she be having sex?”
@ Godhavemercy" What do you expect from a hustler? These are the current crop of leaders we have in Kenya, who believe in "praying" instead of using their brain in order to solve complex challenges that are currently facing all Kenyans.!
Just because you said so, does that mean that they won’t be fackin? You lack common sense!!!
I would like mama kanisa to educate as on why God unleashes raging sexual hormones on young people who are not mentally mature,and are vulnerable.Especially on
teenage boys who have no idea on what to do.Some boys, just at the site of well shaped tighs,and butt would send them into a sexual frenzy. I believe research shows that men are at their sexual peak in their teens,and early 20s.Its not by choice.It's God's design at work,I would think so- Mama.Granted most boys in their sexual peak mostly abstain for numerous reasons,one cannot just go about telling a young man at his sexual peak to abstain.Offer some alternatives. Education is key.Unfortunately sex world over seems to be a taboo topic...I leave it to the experts.But my take is that boys will be creative.I saw one documentary on STI protection in congo,and some sex workers were using plastic bags...There is an alternative.
Finally, if prayers worked, I would urge mama kanisa to tell God to redesign men- with less desire to mount,or have sex only when they get married to one wife.In fact, he could do it now if you convince him that,that was prudent...Right?
This is a very weak divertionary tick when 4000 doctors
have been unemployed for over 5years in a country that desparately needs their services.That's is in addition to having to answer to the public ,why cuban doctors are getting big bucks for doing nothing...
What kind of brain does she have.In the midst of all these big issues,all she could think of is reducing number of condoms? And telling teenager to abstain? We want to know when these doctors will be employed.Also facilited their way to seek employment whereever they will be well rewarded,and appreciated.
Good luck Madam with abstinence in 2023.So out of touch!
Again, where do these people come from? You do not impose your religious values on anyone else in the country. You could try it out with your daughters and see how that works out.
Your job at this point is to protect the youth, and if it means giving out condoms, so be it.
Again, Kenya is not a theocracy. Move to Iran or Afghanistan for that kind of nonsense.
This lady is so selfish by adding morals into it ! This is a fact and a public health issue. You have one simple solution & you choose not to use it but to promote abstinence . Teenagers need contraceptives the most as they face puberty & curiosity because there human & don’t think of the consequences. One condom can go a long way . Save lives woman do the job you were appointed to do .. leave your Christianity out of it or fire her. We need action not advice ..
Kenya is NOT a theocracy. Someone educate this woman already. She is not running her home or village! Chai.
Who hired this idiot? Now she has fanned my ambers. I will take her on single handedly
And if they Can't abstain: They go Buy them Themselves.😨
The only abstinence here, is this lady not using her common oblangata( brains).
CS Nakhumicha need to understand that the ministry is for all Kenyans. She cannot base ministerial decisions on her faith. She need to learn to separate her faith, family, associations, and anything about herself from ministerial decisions. If she can't, all Kenyans will suffer.
They will do it whether you like it or not. Better get protection.
Good call mama. And you're beautiful too.However, also make sure to engage on the fight against the spread of adult content being let to circulate on gadgets like cellphones, and other electronic devices that the same teenagers have access to. Let's be real here. That's a long short that you have to really commit to as war against spread of immorality from who doesn't know where: West and East.
Put porn blockers online and punish parents who give smartphones to little kids with no supervision. After that shutdown dingy joints where bad things go down. Some countries that cover women have low HIV rates for a reason. It comes to morality not more comdoms
Is Mama Kanisa a catholic? If so this could be her way of discouraging the use of artificial birth control.I say this because a person in her position as CS for health, should be actively espousing ideas,methods that would curb or protect the spread of HIV/Aids.
This is too serious a fact to slip the CS's mind,and that is condoms offer protection.And we need young and old people protected .Condoms are the next line of defense when abstinance fails.More like a fail safe of sorts...
Please, keep your stone-age mentality about "sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy among teenagers" to yourself and family.
If you use your "Critical Thinking Skills" wisely, you cannot believe in a foreign religion that practiced slavery using biblical verses to justify their psychopathic and negative attitude directed against the people of our continent.
I feel sorry for any formerly colonized person and our immediate brothers and sisters in diaspora who were victims of scriptures from the bible that justifies slavery and the oppression of the weak.
Please read Leviticus 25: 44-46
"Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly."
Finally, I request you to keep your personal and private religious thoughts to your self and brainwashed family.
Please, keep your stone-age mentality about "sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy among teenagers" to yourself and family.
If you use your "Critical Thinking Skills" wisely, you cannot believe in a foreign religion that practiced slavery using biblical verses to justify their psychopathic and negative attitude directed against the people of our continent.
I feel sorry for any formerly colonized person and our immediate brothers and sisters in diaspora who were victims of scriptures from the bible that justifies slavery and the oppression of the weak.
Please read Leviticus 25: 44-46
"Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly."
Finally, I request you to keep your personal and private religious thoughts to your self and brainwashed family.
This lady should watch this:
Is she fackin herself or rather is she fackable? Rotten head
Hypocrites everywhere you look!!!!!!!! Please stick with your beliefs but at your own home. Do not dare preach to the millions of the citizens as if they are little kids. Some of these stupidities in the government never cease to amaze me. No parents advocate for their teens to engage in any sexual acts. Unfortunately this is happening and they should be armed with all kids of information and everything else to protect themselves. Your Christian foundations is for you and your family.