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There was shock and confusion in Nyaboterere village in Bobasi, Kisii County after a man they believed was dead and buried resurfaced in Nairobi on Friday.
28-year-old Meshack Ondabu Nyambane, a boda boda rider based in Nairobi, suddenly went missing two months and attempts to trace him were futile, according to his family.
After weeks of searching in vain, the family found a body they believed to be that of their kin at the Nairobi City Mortuary.
Ondabu's wife, who works in Saudi Arabia, even flew back home and confirmed that the body was that of her husband and burial arrangements commenced.
It has now emerged that Ondabu was arrested and jailed for blocking motorists and other road users in Nairobi’s central business district on February 14th.
Makadara police commander Judith Nyongesa told reporters that Ondabu was arrested by county askaris and arraigned in a City Hall court, where he was sentenced to two months in prison after pleading guilty to the offense.
Ondabu spent part of his sentence at the Nairobi West Prison before being transferred to Ruiru Prison and was released on Friday after completing his sentence.
"I was coming back to start my boda boda job. I used to operate on the South B/South C route before my arrest," he said.
Through a video call, Ondabu confirmed to his family members back in Kisii that he is still very much alive.
Nyamache OCPD Kipkemoi Kipkulei said they are still waiting for direction from their colleagues in Nairobi before they give a go-ahead to the family for the body of the other man to be exhumed.
@Max, coz when one get arrested in Kenya, he/she looses rights; the police or county law enforcement team, confiscate your phone, Ron you off any cash you may have etc!
There should be a law to allow those arrested to make a supervised call to their families and or friends.
Why too harsh punishment for such petty offense in the first place?How did he block the whole road?How come these askaris did not arrest Raila thugs who blocked all roads on Monday.Wll they be arrested coming Monday!Why selective justice?
One thing we can guess in this Nyaboterere family's intra-siblings relationships is that they do not have land issues otherwise hangepatikana akiwa hai.
It is not often you hear of a missing person in Kisiiland found alive and well. Mungu asifiwe.
Last time I checked, anyone taken into police custody is allowed at least one phone call. Maybe Ondabu had the shame of failing himself and everyone else.
@Maxiley, no family rejoiced...their kin was still missing....they might be in a better place now that they can have closure. The agony of a missing person without a body to bury is more tramatizing...me thinks.
Don't they know how the nigga looks. Birth marks, teeth etc. Pure stupidity
What a twist of fate. One family that "rejoiced" in now mourning,while the one that mourned is now rejoicing.Mistakes happen,but in today's world where even a cattle-boy has a cell phone,surely this could not have been for lack of communication.Why couldn't Ondabu call his family and let them know that where he was? Iam sure as abodaboda operator he had a cell phone...Or did he try but the cops would not cooperate...? Do they allow cell phones in jail?
Well for Ondabu's family, this is more than a stroke of serendipity.No double some with say God's hand is in it.Cann't argue with that since I cannot dispoved it.