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Police in Nyamira County have launched investigations into the killing of a US-based Kenyan businessman and his wife.
Edward Morema Nyagechi, 62, and his wife Mong’ina Morema, 60, were found dead inside their house at Nyamakoroto village, Kitutu Masaba on Tuesday morning.
Morema, who lived in the United States with his family, was found lying dead near his garage with deep cuts on his head while his hands and legs were tied with binding wire.
His wife’s body was later found in the bedroom with deep cuts around her neck and tied up in a similar manner to her husband.
Confirming the incident, Masaba North police commander Robert Ndambiri said the couple is believed to have been tortured before being murdered.
"It seems the criminals first captured them, tied their hands then later gagged their mouths so that they could not scream for help. We think they died as a result of excessive bleeding," he said.
Ndambiri said they are holding two suspects for questioning, among them the couple’s house girl and farmhand.
The couple had returned home from the US three months ago, according to reports.
The bodies of the victims were taken to Kisii Referral Hospital morgue awaiting postmortem.
Pole kwa familia.What would MKenya have said if Moreno and Mong’ina were killed in US?
Oh no! Wivu wa wakenya.Never buy/build house ushago ukiwa wa majuu..Nairobi,and the 3 other cities only
There's no safer heavens for Diasporas back home - as long as they know you're from majuu and especially usa - you're in imminent danger of losing your life.
Do the killers understand what Diaspora Comrades go through? Do they really know that we are trying to save, invest home & run away from the life out here? May their precious Souls RIP
The Kenya Govt need to find a way to protect Diasporas who are resettling back home by a reporting to their closet police station for security reasons. After years of hard work, you have a huge chance of been killed back home just for the sake of been robbed. At present the Govt is only interested in the Diaspora monthly remittance and nothing else but empty promises for decades.
You would think that they would make sure that nothing bites the hand that sends the monthly billions shillings in remittance...
Let's her from Mutua.
I proposed to KHRC to be training their “CLIENTS”(murderers,violent robbers) on how to ROB WITHOUT VIOLENCE some times ago.I would like to hear from thug,murderer’s rights crusaders,Odede,Nyeris,Wanjiku etc the number they have trained.I would also like to know how they feel when their clients kill innocent people.
Govt must find a huge space where diaspora could build a gated estate to live in every town That's good for the economy, employment, housing development. Mashinani amidst poverty isn't conducive
You have to buy in upmarket neighborhoods. They are safe but you will pay.
That would work if you totalling cut yourself off, from extended relative while living there.
Wow so sad.Hey many of us have build in ushago n nothing has happened n wr happy.Let the farm hand talk n if they r found wamehusika wauliwe the same??So so sad for the family.We wonder what happened.Very sad.Any cctv in this beautiful hse??Its good to install cctvs coz they help with security.
Some crimes are so heineous and savage that one wonders if the perpetrators are real human beings.This one falls in that category.
I bet the usual suspect motive is one of the following: Money, land fights,and extended family feuds.But why kill is the question?
As for justice,any punishment other than hanging will be miscarriage of justice.
These horrible crimes especially on diaspora visiting homeland seem to be on the increase.Especially in Kissi region.Some of you will remember last year a dispora went to supervise construction of his house,and was found headless afew days latter.I never heard about the follow up on this case.Could anybody with knowledge share with us?
This is just so disheartening.After working so hard and building a nice retirement,or second home,and one ends murdered like this.
Shame of us who dwell on 'useless' issues of who is sleeping with who,and whether its ok...etc. What we are reading here is one of the real harmful issues we should be concerned with.
To politicians I say,If you are concerned with homosexual sex- fine,but let us deal with important issues such as crime,and punishment,corruption,divorce,child abuse,spousal abuse,stealing, meaningless killings, banditry...etc. If you are honest with yourself,you will agree with me that the aformentioned vices are more harmful to society than one being a homosexual.So let us prioritize our social goals,fighing crime included.This is the only way we can allocate our resources to better use .My two cents.