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Deported Kenyan-Canadian lawyer Miguna Miguna has cried foul over the nomination of Mwende Mwinzi as Kenya's High Commissioner to Seoul, South Korea.
In a series of tweets on Friday, tMiguna criticized President Kenyatta's decision to nominate Ms. Mwinzi to the position.
Miguna questioned why Ms. Mwinzi was being given special treatment despite having been born in the US while he was born and schooled in Kenya but was kicked out of the country.
"I was born in Kenya. Mwende Mwinzi was born in the USA. I went to school up to university and was exiled in 1988. Mwinzi went to school in the USA, worked and lived there most of her life. I've fought for freedom. Mwinzi has been appointed ambassador. I've been forced into exile," tweeted Miguna.
"BANANA REPUBLIC I vied for public office in 2017, voted in Kenya in 2007 and 2017, was appointed a senior adviser to the PM and a Joint-Secretary to the Permanent Committee for the Management of Grand Coalition Affairs. I've been detained, tortured and forced into exile 3 times."
"I've obtained 15 court orders for the return of my Kenyan passport and unconditional return to Kenya but Uhuru Kenyatta has defied them. Mwinzi has obtained no orders. When did she become a naturalized Kenyan? I'm not a second-class citizen. I'll continue fighting for my rights," stated Miguna.
In another tweet, Miguna noted," More than 40 years ago when Mwende Mwinzi was born in the USA, both Kenya and USA did not allow dual citizenship. I have never renounced my citizenship and never lost my Kenyan citizenship. Uhuru Kenyatta has appointed a USA citizen as an ambassador and exiled a Kenyan by birth."
What Miguna is fighting for, folks will appreciate down the line especially dual citizens. He doesn't need to bend over backwards for anybody or lick anyone's toes. It is his right!
Kuna taasisi (institutes) mbili zilizobuniwa (invented) na binadamu ambazo hazitumii mantiki (logic)hata kidogo. Kila wakati, taasisi hizi hutumia hisia (emotions). Taasisi hizo mbili ni "siasa" na "dini."
Kweli huu ni ungwana Ndugu Miguna Miguna kufanyiwa aliyofanyiwa na serikali na huku mtu aliyemwapisha na kumfanya rais wa watu Ndugu Raila alipewa kazi kubwa sana na serikali?
Kweli huu ni ungwana, Ndugu Matiang'i kutotii amri ya mahakama kuu ya Kenya alipoamrishwa kumrudishia Miguna kitambulisho chake cha taifa pamoja na pasipoti ya Kenya? Kwa nini Matiang'i yungali serikalini mpaka sasa baada ya kumfanyia Miguna vitendo vya kinyama?
Kweli huu ni ungwana mafisi (viongozi wa makanisa) kuendelea kupokea hongo karibu kila Jumapili kutoka kwa "mkristo Ruto" na huku Ruto hajashikwa mpaka sasa?
Kweli huu ni ungwana Askofu Mkuu Dr. Ng'ang'a kuendelea kuwapora wafuasi kondoo pesa na Ng'ang'a bado hajashikwa hata kutokana na kumuua Mama mmoja wakati alipomgonga kwa gari? Haki iko wapi?
Jamani, huu ni ungwana Ndugu Haji na Kinoti kuja Marekani kujifunza namna ya kumaliza ufisadi nchini na huku mahakama kuu ya Kenya ingalipo?
Mwishowe, huu ni ungwana kuwa na mtu kama WAFULA CHEBUKATI akisimamia tume ya IEBC na kuwaruhusu mafisi kugombea kiti wakati wa uchaguzi na inajulikana ya kwamba, "fisi ni fisi," hawezi kugeuza tabia zake mbovu baada ya kuchaguliwa?
Ndugu matiang'i, Nimekushauri mara nyingi na inaonekana husikii vile unavyoweza kumaliza ufisadi kutokana na idara yako ya askari polisi ambao (kusema kweli) yafaa waitwe, "askari majambazi." Nimesema hivi, ukiwaruhusu (allow/permit) wananchi wa kawaida kutumia simu za kiganjani/mkononi (smart phone) na kunakili (record) majambazi hawa wanapoomba hongo kutoka kwa wananchi, UFISADI utamalizika Kenya, chini ya mwezi mmoja.
Muguna, Mwinzi is not crazy like you.
Perhaps you should read again your last name.
Miguna Miguna, please read this article, it might open your eyes. If you wanted to get your Kenyan citizenship reinstated, you know the proper channels but you choose not to, so please don't blame other people
A newborn baby can acquire citizenship based on either the principle of “jus soli” or the principle “jus sanguinis.” Jus soli refers to the law of the soil, and jus sanguinis refers to right of blood (Dora K., 2008). Under the concept of jus soli, citizenship is determined by the place of birth (birthright citizenship). On the other hand, under the concept of jus sanguinis, the right to citizenship is through the parents or ancestors (blood). The United States of America (US) practices jus soli, while Kenya practices jus sanguinis. What this means is that whoever is born in the US and is subject to US jurisdiction is automatically granted US citizenship. Conversely, whoever is born in Kenya is not automatically granted Kenyan citizenship unless either of his/her parents is a Kenyan.
This educated fool need to go to Kenya Embassy in Canada to apply for e-passport and provide all the required documents including sahihi ya kidole/vidole and other bio-metrics.
@sam thanx for educating miguna.I have said it here that some of us wr educated fools.We have phds,degrees,masters yet we reason like class 2 pupil??Mr miguna u will remain is that slavery nation at yr age mpaka u make use of yr brains properly!Apply for kenyan pp then u come home n fight it here juu with yr education as a good lawyer who knows the law u will contribute to our nation building but hio kimdomo baggy uachee canada.
Miguna you speak the truth this woman who was not even born in Kenya is now or about to be an ambassador while other more qualified Kenyans continue to tarmack.Somebody should start a signature petition to kick her out how dare she? Respect Kenya your employer by renouncing american citizenship and pledge allegiance to the Kenyan flag watcha maneno ya dual some jobs surely it goes without saying
Miguna should not be outside looking in, this is wrong. He was born, raised and educated in Kenya. His relatives are in Kenya, he can point out the graves of his grandparents in Kenya. He is Kenyan damu! The problem with us Kenyans is we fail to speak up when we see something wrong not understanding the same could happen to us. I do not care what a big mouth Miguna is, he is Kenyan period.
@Mwinzi..just because he acts crazy does not mean he has to be dealt with unfairly. A citizen is a citizen, the law is there to distinguish this and we can't cherry pick when it best suits us! If this lady is allowed this post, then it contradicts Miguna's treatment by the government.
If Miguna wanted to be in Kenya, he would be in Kenya.
But he doesn't want to give his Canadian passport for stamping at JKIA because he doesn't recognise the passport control officials at JKIA because they are allegedly working for an illegal government.
Do you remember how he destroyed the documents Canadian embassy officials had brought to him at the JKIA?
@Kiroboto...I do! The dude's ego is his downfall. Lakini when we treat a born and bred citizen in the manner he was treated....just somehow bugs me. Poor guy is just collateral damage from uhuru/odinga war. He was used and cast aside like...
MigunaX2; Chill out brother, i wonder why you are the biggest crybaby! Laws and policies are implemented for crazy one like yourself. Respect the laws of the land, follow the stipulated policies na wacha kimbelele. Make yourself comfy here in canada.
Dada @Sukari, na Ndugu @Mgikuyu:
Nawashukuruni sana kwa kusema yaliyo ya kweli. Jana, vitendo vya ajabu vilifanyiwa Ndugu Miguna. Leo vitafanyiwa Noor. Kesho serikali itakufanyia wewe. Kesho kutwa, itakuwa taifa zima la Kenya.
Ni lazima Wakenya wawe macho 24/7. Kama sisi sote tungefanya hivyo, hatungekuwa na "mafisi," "mbwa mwitu," "nyoka," au "matapeli na majambazi" kama viongozi wetu! Hali ya ufisadi Kenya ni mbaya sana kwa sababu watu wengi wamekataa kumsikiliza Ndugu Mzee Tutu na mafundisho yake mema.
Ni muhimu watu kusema kama wanaona jambo likifanyika ambalo ni baya.
Kumbukeni maneno ya busara yaliyosemwa na Mzee Tutu wa Afrika ya Kusini:
"If you are silent in situations of injustice, you have taken the side of the oppressor."
Kuna mtu mwingine ambaye sijui jina lake naye alisema:
" Truth is like surgery. It hurts but it cures. A lie is like a pain killer. It gives instant relief but has side effects forever."
Asanteni sna Ndugu yangu @Mugikuyu na Dada yangu @Sukari kwa kukohoa yaliyo ya kweli.
If you talk NEGATIVE about this lady MWENDE MWINZI ,SIR miguna you must be crazy!!!She educated all through secondry EDUCATION FOR FREE.My our almighty God keep her for many years.GO GO GO Mwende GO.
If we can look at the issues raised by Miguna....he has a genuine case.
Am not naive to expect Kenyans to stick to an issue.
Whether Miguna is proud or not is non issue....he is a Kenyan by birth !
If we can look at the issues raised by Miguna....he has a genuine case.
Am not naive to expect Kenyans to stick to an issue.
Whether Miguna is proud or not is non issue....he is a Kenyan by birth !
Seriously, some of you are criticizing Miguna for nothing. It proves how shallow minded Kenyans can be. Everything is political and kingsmanship.Its good to have an open mind.
Serikali mpya (2022) itahakikisha ya kwamba Ndugu Miguna Miguna amerudishiwa uraia wake kama ipasavyo.
Waliohusika na vitendo vibaya vya kinyama kwake, watamlipa fidia (compensation) kutoka mifukoni mwao. Siyo hela za taifa kama wanavyofanya sasa.
Msisahau ya kwamba serikali ya sasa imetoa mamilioni ya shilingi kutoka kwenye hazina ya nchi ili iwalipe fidia walioteswa na Mzee Toroitich. Ingekuwa bora kama Toroitich angewalipa pesa kutoka mfukoni mwake.
umezea Raila sasa amekuacha umeanza kulia from outside.Go on untilu respect others.
Lol Miguna. Problem is, you don't fight the same people you seek help from. You have spoilt it bro, unfortunately.