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US-based Kenyan author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o has been named the winner of this year’s Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize.
Ngugi won the prestigious award for his enlightening anti-colonial themes, use of traditional African narration, and his advocacy of preserving the mother tongue as a mark of identification.
“With Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, we are honoring a writer who is concerned with the self-determination of African cultures and with a detachment from colonial constraints. His attempt to create a dialogue about literature in spite of or precisely because of the various languages he speaks evokes understanding for the other continent and can thus contribute to peace."
"Also with regard to the avoidance of new colonialism, as it is strived for today e.g. by China. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o is an important representative of independence through language,” the jury said.
The prize named after world-famous writer Erich Maria Remarque is awarded every two years since 1991 in the city of Osnabrück, Germany.
This year's award ceremony will take place on November 29th, 2019 in Osnabrück. The winner will pocket €25,000 in prize money.
The decision to award Ngugi Wathiongo with the Eric Maria Denarque peace prize is indeed timely. For over 40 years,Ngugi Wathiongo has been at the center of the struggle for African identity. Even in the stormy years of political uncertainty,he,risked his life and informed the world about the injustices of colonialism. I congratulate him.
Having read many of Ngugi wa Thiongo in his mother tongue, kikuyu, and even in English, Ngugis recognition as an initiator of dialogue is unique, eg matigari ma njirungi, ngahika ndenda, and even caitani mutharabaini, and those written in English live grain of wheat, petals of blood. In kenya, even among the elite and illiterate, Ngugi and his works elicites peaceful dialogue. Ngugi has written. His revived a language which colonizers abhored.