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A Kenyan has petitioned the National Assembly to amend the law to ensure that MPs and other elected leaders serve for a maximum of two five-year terms.
Jonah Gachuki wants parliament to amend Article 102 of the Constitution and other related provisions in order to limit the term of office of the deputy president, speakers of National Assembly and Senate, deputy governors, MPs, and MCAs.
He argues that it is discriminatory to have a term limit for the president and governors while other elected leaders are allowed to serve at their pleasure.
On Tuesday, National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi directed the Justice and Legal Affairs Committee (JLAC) to investigate the matter and submit a report to the house.
The proposed law could cut short the career of a Kenyan MP, which can run for decades.
For example, Kitutu Chache North MP Jimmy Angwenyi has served for five terms since winning a by-election in 1994, making him the longest-serving current parliamentarian. Vihiga Senator George Khaniri has served as an MP since 1996 while Siaya Senator James Orengo has been an MP for 23 years.
Other long-serving lawmakers include Senators Moses Wetangula (Bungoma) and Beth Mugo (nominated), MPs Gideon Konchella (Kilgoris) Adan Keynan (Eldas), Wafula Wamunyinyi (Kanduyi), Maoka Maore (Igembe North), Samwel Muoroto (Kapenguria), Naomi Shaban (Taveta), Katoo ole Metito (Kajiado South), Cecily Mbarire (nominated) and Maina Kamanda (nominated).
One term for ALL elected seats.
It's a great idea.
Problem is these HYENAS have a proven record of being nominated or being given government jobs as long as they belong to the HYENAS VIP CLUB.
Problem is not them, it's us the masses that hold them like DEMIGODS.
I will repeat what I had said before, the minute we receive money for a vote, it becomes AN INVESTMENT. So they have to milk it.
The masses have to change to enact CHANGE.
Democracy must demand term limits all over the world or else the construct “democracy” will stop to make sense anymore.
Let’s not take for granted or forget the famous words mentioned by the late British historian Lord Acton who once said, “ Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
One term 8 years and go home 8 years then try again. Election every 8 years saves billions of dollars also. Outlaw by elections. Last number 2 or deputy takes over.
Avery good idea. I am abig supporter of term limits.In fact hardly two days ago I mentioned this matter in one of my posts. Even, the best trainers,and coaches have term limits even if their teams keep willing.
Two terms are enough,and then go do something else. You can still pay abig roll in effecting change,by supporting those who espouse your ideas.You dont have to be at the helm...
Yes, article 102 should be amended to reflect time limits.No reason for apolitician to hang in for decades,draining public funds...