Winnie Maina
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Eldoret judge Reuben Nyakundi has handed down a 25-year prison sentence to Winnie Maina, 37, convicted of murdering her husband, Wycliffe Miriti, during a domestic dispute.
Miriti, 33, was a senior logistics officer at a local beverage company. Despite Maina's plea for a non-custodial sentence, the judge on Monday determined that the repeated, fatal stab wounds inflicted upon her spouse demonstrated a clear intent to kill. During the trial, the court heard that Maina and her husband had been heavily intoxicated on the night of the incident having returned home from a late-night drinking session. Maina claimed that she could not recall the events leading to her husband's death and argued that he had armed himself and attacked her.
However, Judge Nyakundi rejected this defence stating that the location and severity of the five stab wounds left no chance for Miriti's survival. The judge asserted that if Maina's goal had been to incapacitate her husband, she could have targeted another area of his body. In his ruling, Judge Nyakundi emphasized the sanctity of human life, citing both legal and biblical principles. He stressed that ending a life in such a brutal manner is the gravest of crimes, effectively reducing the victim to a lifeless body. The judge also acknowledged society's demand for the punishment of offenders and found that Maina had not provided sufficient grounds for a non-custodial sentence, despite this being her first offence.
The defendant's lawyer had requested a lenient sentence, but the judge ultimately decided that a 25-year prison term was appropriate, while noting Maina's right to appeal the decision. Judge Nyakundi also addressed the broader issue of domestic violence, warning that it has become a pervasive problem in society that must not be tolerated. He advised that when couples are unable to resolve their differences through communication, they should consider separating rather than resorting to violence, such as using a gun or a knife.
Alcohol being mentioned in the article reminded me of something sinister,and shocking that I read in the Daily Nation,and that is "consuming alcohol through the rectum".
Apparently this is a new trend among the youths. The reasons range from avoiding detection since it is not consumed by mouth to quick intoxication since it pretty much goes direct in to the blood system, bypassing the filters like liver.And yes it it dangerous.
Iam usually up to speed on social matters,but I have to admit I have never heard such a thing.Now who introduced such a repulsive idea in Kenya,or is it home grown? Wow!
Certainly these are not the discoveries we want,or can be proud of,so send children to school for.Folks this is what happens when morals,and mores go unchecked.This culture of everything and anything goes in the name of individual liberties, freedom and human rights has to be reined in.To thrive a society has to have cohesive guideline through laws,norms,and acceptable social behavior.Otherwise we are no different from animals.My two cents.
If let Free, she Could join Her peers in Kabete, KiAmbu.
"Maina,and her husband had been heavily intoxicated" isn't this grounds to invoke the temporary insanity defense?
Well without knowing all the facts,its hard to say whether 25 years was a little excessive,or appropriate. I see an appeal being filed.
Such unfortunate situation. Blame it on alcohol.Sue the brew maker.