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Mau Mau freedom fighter Mary Muthoni Kirima has finally shaved her dreadlocks of 70 years.
The 92-year-old cut off her dreadlocks in a ceremony graced by former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta in Nyeri County on Saturday.
During the event also attended by Kiama kia Ma and the Kikuyu Council of elders, the nonagenarian agreed to trim her hair to symbolize the fulfillment of the freedom she fought for in the 1950s.
“I have today agreed to shave my hair. This means that I’m contented that our country has had freedom at last. Generations are now free and what we fought for in the forest has finally been achieved,” Muthoni said.
Muthoni, the only woman to have attained the Mau Mau rank of field-marshal, pointed out that Kenyans are free to elect a leader of their choice in the forthcoming general election.
Speaking during the ceremony, Mama Ngina called upon Kenyans to respect freedom fighters, who sacrificed their lives to liberate the nation from colonizers.
“Kenyans should respect our heroes and heroines. They should not be insulted but respected,” Mama Ngina said.
At just 20 years old, Muthoni joined the Mau Mau as a spy and also helped supply the fighters with food.
Despite already risking her life for the cause of freedom, Muthoni wished to do more and thus became a soldier and attained the rank of field-marshal.
Due to the extreme conditions she was living in the forest, including harsh weather, Muthoni had two miscarriages which left her unable to have children.
Is it entrenchment ?
It looks like a warning to me.
This event should be held on the appropriated date of Mashujaa day. That’s unless there was anything else to go by other than the campaign messaging.
Most people will agree with Mama Ngina that freedom fighters from all corners of Kenya deserves to be respected but not to be “ insulted “. What an irony? The same family took away thousands of acres of land that was freedom fighters’. These freedom fighters have been neglected all along and every now and then, just like now is when they are used as social and political pawns.
Mama Ngina is obviously on a campaign trail. One would think that she should be thanking the people for electing his son three times instead of trying to bring monarchy in Kenya.
I therefore urge the Kenyattas to respect and not insult the freedom fighters. Return the parcels of land you grabbed from these freedom fighters and stop using them as yardsticks at your convenience.
Asista,I am with you all the way here.This won't have been said better.i Just hope they read your message,which is true and to point.Thank you for calling out on this Dynastic family.
Ironically Kenyatta the original Jomo had no respect for maumau fighters.He made it his number one priority to ensure they never attained the " land independence " they shed blood for. That the original Jomo, carted away all white grabbed land is indisputable.Now just because of some cheap misguided political gains, the very maumau are being used to propagate the greed of the " Jomos"..kwani nyinyi wasapere ni wanjinga aje?..huyu mama na mtoi wake wanawatumia aje kama toilet paper?..apart from the many mama ngina monuments in Kenya, nini wamewafanyia wasapere ya maana?..
Muthoni Kirima, one of the last surviving mau mau fighters was just used by Ngina kenyatta just for political selfish gains. I recall one time years back when she said that whatever they fought for was robbed by the elites. Her sentiments were echoed by Bilgard Kagia [RIP].
These were the true heroes when it came to gaining the Kenyan independence.
One of the main reasons was getting the land back, but JOMO and GOONS were quick to steal it.
When JOMO once said that even cooks tastes food when cooking, he opened the flood gates of CORRUPTION , which MOI and GOONS PERFECTED.
It's pathetic to use mau mau fighters trying to show that they care, They don't.
Ngina should have returned all the stolen land and subdivided it to the surviving families of the mau mau fighters, but greed and power have over shadowed the thinking. All she cares for now is protecting what her husband and son, Moi and family, KIBAKI and family have stolen for all these years, HOODWINKING Wanainchi with this visit.
Long life Muthoni Kirima.
How invite the same folks who Killed yr fellow maumau probably including your husband n they stole our lands too.Mwizi ni Mwizi Hata akiokoka ama akimbadilika anafaa arundishe what his parents stole otherwise forever nyinyi wote na watoto wenyu wote ni wezi wakubwa mpaka milele.Bure kabisa
@halisi - did you get a share of Mzee Muteshi land once Ruto stole it from the old man? How about the 25k acres Ruto jut stole in Laikipia? Is that not the reason h sponsoring bandits to create commotions so that those Ruto tole their lands can suffer? Wacha ujinga! No wonder you got deported from America for your stupidity.
This is an insult to all families that lost loved ones during the war for freedom, money and religion has corrupted our society so much we have lost direction I wonder how much money she was paid to sell her soul
Kenyans want change.
We’re tired of this Kenyatta,Moi,Ruto, Odinga etc and their families.
It’s time for new people.
No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come" - Victor Hugo.
One thing I know from a personal experience. one has to be connected to that family to get any help and for an outsider to be helped, it would require a miracle of biblical proportions. As a young man in the late 70s only God knows how many times i went to the KCC building to see a certain Kenyatta who was once a mayor of Nairobi and while the promises were never ending, nothing came out of it. Finally the security guard told me I was not welcome. I still made it with or without them.
@'s mkora halisi,kora kanini,wambui,asista,go crypto and conish...you are all curtailing around a subject of land being stolen by kenyatta family cocooning around arap lootall like he just came yesterday save you are living and witnessing land grabbing appetite ruto has in our very own eyes.At the time of independence land was so cheap to buy and majority looked down the importance of having land.Get to your history and understand that an area worth over 70 to 80 acres would go for 5000ksh.Those in the working class were earning 5 to 15 kshs a month and those in govt a little bit more.Thats how many managed to buy land save the meanigless insults and unfounded allegations that youngsters have been poisoned to by the fake UDA clarions..come moi's era the art of grabbing land by force or dubious means from the real owners perfected to which ruto was a student in the moi politics and after learning the tricks while in government he became one of the worst land grabber and looter to date.In return to hide his claws he has returned with the fake bottom up theory to the chagrin of youngsters who understand nothing but spewing of insults and jaggons like as if thats what drives life...its a personal choice we agree but a little decorum costs nothing.
Comrade JC,
What you have to understand is that , ordinarily KENYANS were buying land in societies or in saccos, but JOMO, Moi, Koinages, Nyachae and rest Stole the land without paying a cent.
This is well known in Kenya. Just listen to what Nyachae once said, JOMO gave them the Green light to steal.
Why are the FREEDOM fighters still mad today about the land distribution in KENYA?
Why do we still have squatters?
Comrade please do your research or ask the older generation, 70 yrs and above.
Comrade JC,
Jc, don’t try to sound somewhat harmless when you say a little decorum won’t hurt. I would wish you were addressing this to the Jomos. You seem to be missing out when you talk about Ruto. It’s about the reign of Mau Mau era. When these astute freedom fighters came out of the woods, they found the land had been taken away. The fast tracks of it taken by Kenyattas and his elite. Ruto wasn’t there then.
The big question is, what the matter of urgency for Uhurus mother to go shave this honorable ladies hair other than some political expediency. To appear to stay relevant in my Kenya by shaving the old ladies treasure dread locks?
There is NO WAY i mean NO WAY MRS MUTHONI KIRIMA would have in her mind agreed to shave her head . I was in a cultural event at green hills hotel in Nyeri 4 years ago. She was very proud of her dreadlocks she allowed us to touch it and she at that time and moment in full control of her status Now at 92 Ngina Kenyatta has convinced her her struggle has paid off - Yes indeed it has paid off but for them Kenyattas and the rest who stole the land those who fought and died for it never enjoyed one moment . Those who survived and their families are still squatters. Ngina what you have don is unforgivable it is cruel and you will carry the guilt to your grave . and you know what you may have enjoyed the freedom others fought for but I wonder whether the 3rd and 4th generation will do the same . for children pay the prize the bible says so .It is not fair but it is in the bible. a diabolical lie to poor Muthoni . cheating her that the goal was achieved by you and your kind but not the rest of those we owe our independence but not freedom for we still in slavery by the likes of you . you own Kenya . I will never ever use brook side products . I will tank at shell or delta not rubis
That entrenches the supremacy of the 1st family over poor masses who were robbed.