Kenyan US Diaspora Cash Merry-Go-Rounds: The Per…
If you have lived in USA for a while you have probably heard about the…
Open Letter to Deputy President Hon William Samo…
Hello Sir. We hope this letter finds you well. We the people of Nandi…
Two Years After Relocating from the USA to Kenya…
Strolling along a lone dirt road Sandwiched between some old leafy cac…
6 Ways on How a Young Person in Diaspora Can Inv…
In today’s world, many young people are immigrating abroad, in search…
Is There a Property Bubble in Kenya?
So, here is the big question; is there a property bubble in Kenya? Thi…
Before Hosting Someone in the USA...
Yes. Your relative finally got the long awaited foreign travel visa. W…
Kenyans Decide 2017: The Warnings the Party Nomi…
Kenya’s General Elections are less than three months away on August 8,…
What Is It With All These Divorces Abroad?
I will say this as blunt as possible, mwenda kumena mumene!  What is i…
Today is World Autism Awareness Day
Today marks the ninth annual World Autism Awareness Day. Every year, i…
Free Advice to Kenyan Men Abroad
I do not know how I will put this across. But I will try. So help me G…
Confessions of a Married But Available (MBA) Dia…
I will not keep this to myself anymore. So let me get it out of my che…
Nineteen Months Later, A Diasporan's Tale!
Basking from my little ragged lawn, standing on dusty terrains Mercile…