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A Kenyan has been extradited to the country from Israel after being found to have secured his Visa through underhand methods. Francis Kimani alias 'Yehudah Kimani' was deported to Kenya after immigration officers from the Israeli Interior Ministry denied him entry into an Israeli airport on Monday evening.
The 31-year-old had traveled to the Jewish state for a three-week study program. The Times of Israel reports that Kimani managed to secure a visa on his second try, in time for the Conservative Yeshiva’s winter break program after first visa application was denied.
However, upon landing at Ben Gurion Airport, authorities at the passport inspection said his visa was not valid as it was fraudulently acquired and ordered he be deported. He was booked in the next flight to Ethiopia, but lost his bag in the mix.
"They just told me to go back, I feel like I’m not a human," Kimani said from the Addis Ababa airport.
Rabbi Andy Sacks, director of the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Assembly in Israel termed the extradition as “an act of outright racism.”
“Let’s be honest, he was not let into the country because he was black, and this is not the first time our converts from Africa have been given the run-around."
Kimani is allegedly the leader of 50-member Kehilat Kasuku, a small group of families in Kenya who decided to abandon Messianic Judaism in the early 2000s. A retired judge Justin Philips had invited Kimani to study at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem for a short program.
"There was no question on the visa form asking for that, and if they want that information they should ask for it. This is naked racism," Philips said.
Kimani is a tourism graduate and hopes to one day operate a kosher safari firm in Kenya.
Guys don’t worry one day is coming when We Africa will develop n we will do the same shit.We will tighten our immigration so tight that it’s gonna b very hard n I mean heard for this whites,Jewish to just come iin.Our God of gikuyu will one day enrich our country.Fir the doubters they can keep doubting such a thing will ever happen.Malaysia,Singapore today wako mbali sana n Kenya here we come.
YOU see mwizi hawakuerefuka ya kwamba israel si kenya ya wizi na corruption ya kikuyus.Shame at Netenyau who went to witness and celebrate a stolen victory is part of the disaster
Wakikuyu ndio wezi Kilifi, Mombasa, Kisumu na Kakamega County? Huo ushenzi wa kupayuka eti wizi ni wa wakikuyu peke yao ndio hufanya Raila anawafumba macho na fikira hedi lawama zote zinalengeshwa kwa wakikuyu. Kumbukuka miti inayo zaa tunda ndio inarushiwa mawe na vijana. Tafakari hayo.
Read understand before u respond.
The story states the person inviting this guy thought it was outright racism but people in this comment section are quick to scream corrupt. Seriously, isn't this a case of self hate among Kenyans. Very sad. This guy was simply going to visit not live there. C'mmon people.
Isarel hawan adabu ..I was one day travelling to Israel on a visit with a German friend,but they refused me entry, looking into my passport there were so many visa from many countries and it become hard for them to decide about my case,and that is when I OPENLY TOLD THEM I REALLY DIDN'T NEED TO ENTER THEIR COUNTRY SO BAD AND
I TOLD THEM WHATEVER THE FUCK WAS GOING ON INTO THEIR HEAD DIDN'T WORRY ME BECAUSE I KNEW Egypt ON THE OTHER SIDE WOULDN'T DENIED ME A VISA....So I ditched them and left to the other side of Egypt boarder and Egyptian gave a visa with a free place to sleep in their country boarder with Israel,and that's when I LEARNT Jews ARE FUCKED UP,AND I really would like them to get the fuck out Kenya...imagine they immediately gave my German friend a visa to enter,but for me it was turning to a discussion asking my why are you coming here and why have you been to so many countries,and to make the mater worst they asked me who was sponsoring me in Dubai for one year...I looked at them I told them they just didn't like the fact I was black,but my question was and is today why did grant my Germany friend entry yet we know in history Germans were the Jews enemy,and when they were exterminating them ...They were given a safe haven in Kenya before the UN FLOWN 7000 JEWS TO ISRAEL FROM KENYA,AND THERE ARE SO MANY REMNANTS OF JEWS IN KENYA WHO HAD FRED PERSECUTION IN EUROPE SINCE 1900......anyways JEWS ARE INGRATITUDE PEOPLE....MY STORY IS A FACT,BUT AN
@Mugi, I took note as you did! The man was invited and acquired a visa legitimately. How everything turns to stolen elections, blah, blah, blah in this forum is beyond me. I have come to conclude that the majority of Kenyans are haters. One does well, they find something negative to inject- One is downtrodden, they stomp on you harder! Ajabu. Arabs are the most racist and anyone who has even had to transit through these countries will know what I mean. The brother clearly has a personal mission, wish him well and be supportive. It's easier than being a hater.
You are so right. Kenyans who have very little going on in their lives are the worst critics and will actually work to kill your vision.
Most pple that aren't white are extremely racist towards black pple.. arabs, indians, asians na kadhalika but they all kiss white pples behind. For example, they don't want their daughters/ sisters marrying a black man unless you are filthy rich but a white man is a catch for their women. A step up.
I believe a lot of the guys commenting dont even read the whole story. Israel is known well for its hate and contempt for blacks. Think twice before you make your comments haters. The guy had a genuine Visa.
shows racism of a higher degree..lets development our country so that our children can pay back for us
and am gonna be a racist too to this Indians,Arabs,whites cz they all hate us black.no wonder I have never loved this people.
hakuna kitu baiya kaa mtu kuona ako superior kuliko wengine uwe kikuyu or luo hakuna mwenye atakufa mara mbili jenga uadui badaye itakukula peke yako mie i ave a luo galfreind alikua na mafikiria baiya kaa nyinyi but saa amekubali wenye ujinga ni nani .......
too little information to determine whether it was racism or visa fraud that led to the deportation. For example, what exactly was fraudulent with his application?
too bad buh i just hope that one day all this shit of racism will end...before you judge someone step on their shoe..am a proud kenyan and ready to mingle with sensible oersons
Mwizi ni mwizi but not israel
Let's stay solidarity for our brothers and sisters in Africa especially the black coz we are under threat
Mama ameomba asaindiwe ikawa ni 'Uthamnaki'....mkenya anarundishwa nyumbani bila sababu kjamili....'Uthamaki'...Politics hapa na gatred takunjia wapi?
Why go there, he will learn it was for his good.
Isarel hawana adabu ..I was one day travelling to Israel on a visit with a German friend,but they refused me entry,but when they looked at my passport there were so many visa from many countries and it become hard for them to decide about my case,and that is when I OPENLY TOLD THEM i REALLY DIDN'T NEED TO ENTER THEIR COUNTRY SO BAD AND i TOLD THEM WHATEVER THE FUCK WAS GOING ON INTO THEIR HEAD DIDN'T WORRY ME BECAUSE i KNEW Egypt ON THE OTHER SIDE WOULDN'T DENIED ME A VISA....So I ditched them and left to the other side of Egypt boarder and Egyptian gave a visa with a free place to sleep in their country boarder with Israel,and that when I LEARNT jEWS ARE FUCKED UP,AND I real would like them to get the fuck out Kenya...imagine they immediately gave my German friend a visa to enter,but for me it was turning to a discussion asking my why are you coming here and why have you been to so many countries,and to make the mater worst the asked me who was sponsoring me in Dubai for one year...I looked at them I told the they just didn't like the fact I was black,but my question was they granted my Germany friend entry yet we know in history Germans were the Jews enemy,and when they were exterminating the Jews...They were given a safe haven in Kenya before the UN FLOWN 7000 JEWS TO ISRAEL FROM KENYA,AD THERE ARE SO MANY REMNANTS OF JEWS IN KENYA WHO HAD FRED PERSECUTION IN EUROPE SINCE 1900......anyways JEWS ARE INGRATITUDE PEOPLE....MY STORY IS A FACT,BUT ANYWAY EGYPT GAVE ME A HOME FOR THAT NIGHT AND MY TOUR WAS JUST FINE
Please advice.
21-Year-Old Kenyan Student in the US Discusses Her Relationship with Her 54-Year-Old American Boyfriend
Watu Wangu, mtatumaluza. Pelekeni corruption mbali na nchi za ngambo. Wacheni uthamaki nyumbani