Kenyans and Other Individuals Take an Oath of American Citizenship
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On Tuesday, a group of 50 individuals from different parts of the world decided to renounce their citizenship in their respective home countries and pursue American citizenship.
According to a news report by Pacific Daily News, Kenyans were among the individuals who participated in a ceremony at the District Court of Guam in Hagatna. During this event, they recited the Pledge of Allegiance, a crucial step in their path to becoming citizens of the United States. Joining them in this process were individuals from Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, Guyana, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Philippines, and Palau.
During this procedure, the Kenyans pledged to completely forsake any allegiance or connection to their motherland. A significant benefit of obtaining United States citizenship is the safeguard it offers against deportation. Unlike permanent residents or asylum seekers, who can be deported due to specific criminal convictions, the Kenyans will no longer have to worry about this. Moreover, children below 18 years old who hold lawful permanent residency will automatically become U.S. citizens upon their parent's naturalization.
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, State, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen, so help me God," the Kenyans swore cutting ties with their homeland.
Kenyans who acquire citizenship will gain the chance to serve in government, exercise their right to vote, and enjoy unrestricted travel privileges. Moreover, they will be eligible to file immigration requests to reunite with their loved ones in the United States. In case of personal misfortune or political turmoil during their travels, they can rely on American embassies and consulates for support.
KENYAns are Sworn in as US Citizens at least 5 days a Week (except Holidays). As such, More than 50 are Sworn in All over the US (in 1 day).
I thought MWAKILISHI headline news was about savage Raila’s opposition to circumcision.And I hope the Editor/reporter will investigate how murderer Njenga became Mountainian spokesperson despite his hobby/job being SLAUGHTERING/BB&QUING the same peoples’ relatives for cannibalization by muchawi Raila.
I remember on this occasion being sworn in and a fellow Kenyan had decided to change his name since it is done without cost or still is being done without cost. He changed his name from Kamau to the then president's, Ronald Reagan. I thought that was the craziest thing anyone could have done. I wonder how our Ronald Reagan is doing nowadays after all those many years.
Get the promise of Heaven. Is US Citizenship what you cracked it out to be?
I think it's sickening, more people from other country's to live here, while out own people live on the streets. United States no more. This country makes me sick.....
Slow news day......... you apply , you go for interview and then sworn in, nothing so major to make this headline news