Global Voice of the Voiceless invites you to their 2nd Annual Gala Night, taking place on Saturday, September 14, 2019 in Baltimore, Maryland.
The Gala will be held at 4201 Primrose Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215 from 8pm to 4am on September 14th.
The Gala is hosted by Jane Jaguar
MC: Man Kush - comedian and Pastor from Kenya
Music by DJ E Love
Global Voice of the Voiceless helps feed, cloth, and educate street children and orphans in Kenya.
Advance tickets:
$80 between now and August 31st
$100 after August 31st
**Please note: No Tickets will be sold at the door.
How to purchase tickets:
- Call/text: +1 443-253-0972
- CashApp: +1 443-253-0972
- EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/global-voice-of-the-voiceless-annual-fundr…
Proceeds from the Gala go towards feeding, clothing and educating street children and orphans in Kenya.
Though your support over the last year, Global Voice of the Voiceless has visited children homes in Kenya and distributed clothes, food items and other essentials. The organization also recently shipped a container full of donations to Kenya.