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Former Chief Justice David Maraga has hit out at President Kenyatta for failing to appoint six out of the 41 judges recommended by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).
Maraga, who spoke during an interview on KTN on Wednesday, said he will remember Kenyatta as a president who disregarded the rule of law.
He pointed out that the president does not have the power to reject the nominees, adding that his sole responsibility was to appoint judges and then discuss any issues of integrity with JSC.
“Article 166 (1b) of the Kenyan law states that the President shall appoint all the Judges in accordance with the recommendations of the JSC,” said Maraga.
Maraga stated that Kenyatta’s refusal to appoint the six judges without providing justification was an affront to the rule of law.
“These judges have been condemned unheard, in the eyes of the public, these are the corrupt judges the President was talking about,” he said.
“The president cannot come and say he has intelligence reports that these people have integrity issues and expect that we take his word for it.”
Maraga, who retired in January, added that intelligence agencies do not have the authority to nominate judges.
“The constitution has not given the intelligence bodies the mandate to appoint to the judges, bring that intelligence report to the JSC, once the recommendations have been made the JSC cannot recall those names,” Maraga added.
Maraga warned that Kenya will devolve into a banana republic if the current level of impunity persists.
He further divulged that before he retired, Kenyatta declined his request for a meeting to resolve the schism between the three arms of the government.
“I requested the President to call the speakers and myself so that we can see how to deal with administrative matters on the interdependence of the 3 arms of government, the President refused. What was I expected to do?” he posed.
Amarica! Troll
You are a bitch milky milly. So by you understand the spill or you want me to feed you with a silver spoon in your damn mouth!
What is wrong with all these polluted judges and lawyers!? Only in Kenya you have a corrupt judge supporting another corrupt judge! No wonder thieves have a haven in the judiciary. I do not get it!
Didn’t Maraga make the judiciary a banana judiciary! He presided over the largest corrupt body of legal officers in Kenya! Maraga is corrupt himself!
Uhuru pretends not to know that Sudan’s dictator for 30 years,Bashir is a state guest at Kobar “LUXURY” Apartments.A bloody revolution is the only solution to his impunity.Kenyans only recycles the same hyenas in elections .Right now there are two groups,dynasties-muuaji Raila V/S hustlers-jambazi Ruto.This is why a bloody revolution is necessary IFF(IF and only IF) these gangsters resist.Everything owned by these elite gangsters wherever it is must be forcefully seized.
Shut up Maraga Nobody elected you. Retire in peace.
The idiot is very bitter because he never accomplished anything except whining like a little bitch! He cost Kenya billions when he nullified the presidential elections! He is a dam. Stupid man!
We can argue all we want, but MARANGA is RIGHT.
Ati maraga no way America
Whoever is right! This stupid fool was never in Kenya! How can you be a Kenya CJ and but had nothing to show l? He is now drawing a hefty fettuccine pension paid for by Kenyans? This do-nothing guy is a conman!
By the way, who killed Chris Msando and Carol Ngumbu before the elections of 2017? And what about Jacob Juma?
When will the murderers responsible for the barbecuing of innocent Kenyans in the Kiambaa Church near Eldoret (2007) be brought to justice?
Brother Maraga is right. Read about the court's decision about Brother Miguna Miguna and how the current government totally disregarded the court orders! Why is he still in Canada? Has he been compensated for the loss of his property after the raid? Who ordered the raid?
Should ordinary citizens follow the current pattern of totally disregarding court orders the same way the present government is doing? Will the next leader come 2022 follow the same pattern as far as the court orders are concerned?
The president did not need to take nonsense from Maraga but Maraga thought he was too cool because he was a useless CJ!
Kenya is under a tyranny who comes as an Angel but he is total bs . Maaraga is right and we respect you. Do we have an imperial president yes who cares little about law and order but his BBI from 2019 are you serious. Delayed justice is denied. Dynasties go home
You can elect a idiot thief (your dummy Ruto) and see where Kenya will be in the next ten years! The country will be looking a like a cow dug bush place in mogotio. Kenya will be far worse under Ruto than it wa under Moi’s 24 years of jungle rule. Ruto’s theft tendencies started during Moi’s regime. Ruto wa the chief archtenue of corrupt in th Moi times! He ran the country awash with corruption deals! And many citizens will be killed under Ruto. So the Kenei’s family!
There is one thing you got right about Maraga, he was the most none performing CJ in the history of Kenya! This guy is clueless and he was never supposed to be a CJ.
Respect the rule of law or go back to ichaweri in peace. U can't rule if everyone was breaking the law like you are doing. U just held a meeting in kesumo disregarding covid rules thw poor have been charged with and brutalized by your own police. Lawless president either let everyone break the law or u stop breaking it. So many court orders have been disregarded by you.
He is right, whether you like him or not. That’s what the law stipulates. No one is above the law.
Maraga is just another fool. You tenure will forever be remembered with corruption. The judiciary is so corrupt and you were deep in it. Now you start giving some nonsense . You are full of shit. Shut the fuck up. You must have collected billions in bribes, so STFU.
Kenya would have gone to HELL if the Maraga’s and Mutunga had the opportunity to be in charge! Maraga worried more about a s600 Mercedes Benz car while mutunga worried more about his gay tendencies! Now they are both talking out of some known frustrations because the public defeated their nonsensical quests!
Look at this Maraga prostitute sitting like a horny whore talking shit!
This Maraga bitch has been insulting the president for the longest time and its about time the asshole shuts his damn bick up! How does Maraga expect to be respected while he is continuously attacking the president!? You get accorded the same respect you accord others!
Another useless fool talking shit! Maraga was the worst CJ in the history of America. The idiot can’t even understand his own jungle talk! Impeach Uhuru for saying the six judges are corrupt thieves! Nonsense!