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Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma has castigated US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman for allegedly pushing the LGBTQ agenda in the country.
This comes after the ambassador divulged that the US is actively championing the recognition and rights of LGBTQ persons in Kenya.
"Over the past week, my team and I met with the LGBTQI+ community & stakeholders to support human rights of LGBTQI+ persons," Whitman said via Twitter on Tuesday.
She added: "The U.S. proudly advances efforts to protect LGBTQI+ persons from discrimination & violence and will continue to stand up for human rights & equality."
Reacting to Whitman’s post, MP Kaluma stated that the people of Kenya will resist attempts by the US to promote homosexuality in the country.
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights talks about the rights of all human persons; men and women. Kenyans will not accept that perverted 'sexual orientation' nonsense you're pushing in Kenya!" Kaluma tweeted.
Kaluma recently announced plans to table a bill seeking to prohibit homosexuality and its promotion in the country.
"I intend to bring legislation to criminalize and punish homosexuality and other unnatural acts and to further criminalize the promotion of such acts," he said in a letter to National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang'ula.
The ODM MP said the bill will consolidate all existing laws relating to unnatural sexual acts and increase the penalty for those convicted of engaging in or promoting homosexuality to imprisonment for life.
"The proposed law intends to further the provisions of article 45(2) of the constitution of Kenya and to protect the family will not only consolidate all existing laws relating to unnatural sexual acts but also increase the penalty for those convicted of engaging or promoting the acts to imprisonment for life or commensurate sentence," the communique read further.
He is in the majority in Kenya & in Africa.
Dehumanizing people will not make them accept LGBTQ
Our values, culture and tradition cannot be bought by money.
Why do 68% of our youth say that they would love to live in USA,or UK?
Poverty. If there were jobs in global South many people would not go to the cold global North.
It is because of financial frustration and lack of economic opportunity at home. It's not about homosexual issues.
Shouldn't you take the good and the bad wherever you are? So you can trade your morals for financial gains? Looks like morals and ethics are usually on a sliding scale ..Right?
Good job Hon Kaluma. That is why the citizens of this sovereign state voted for guys like you. Hongera. Try to introduce polygamy in the US or the West in general. They will hang or lynch you in dya light.
Kaluma, counter them with polygamy we see. Bure kabisa!
Hang or lynch because of polygamy? really? it's time to crawl out under that rock you been hibernating under, every state in the USA has its own laws Utah decriminalize it 3 years ago, and lots of other mid-western and eastern USA communities do practice polygamy and not a single person has ever been lynched or hanged.
Why don't you go to Utah and marry another dude , you be 3 dudes then? At that time, you will know who has been living in a cave, if not none else than you. Homosexuality is not only disgusting, but also unnatural. Stop supporting policies that try to decimate African populations, adopt polygamy and reproduce. Avoid that unproductive hole, made for waste disposal.
Africans, Arabs & Jews need to force the collective west to practice polygamy. Sanctions from middle east. No oil until you marry 4 wives. Sanctions from Africa. No minerals until you marry many wives and have several dongo dongo. Jews have as many wives like King Solomon.
@ Ndugu Maxiley:
There are plenty of job opportunities in the US. The US government has created a friendly atmosphere conducive to the business minded people starting their own private businesses which in return employs millions of the young people and adults. This is definitely one of the many reasons why so many people from all over the world dream of coming to the United States and making it their new permanent home for themselves and their immediate families.
It is unbelievable and a shame to hear that there are about 4,000 unemployed medical doctors in the country. The thieving and conniving hustler government should exit from any form of national leadership come 2027.
Very true @ Imara(mpya) Daima.I guess what I was trying to ask is,why do our youth want to go to this place where moral values are"rotten".America is what it is -E pluribus Unum,from many one.Acollection of states,or should I say people became one. This rich, great and powerful democratic country is toletant to gays, and welcoming to immigrants.We can all argue about what made America what it is,but for now, we have to agree that our youth would love to live in USA because it offers a better life than Kenya.Better life for all. Even homosexuals,and immigrants, and even muslims who call them Kaffir. Some of these goodies the youth want are made by gays,and lesbians.So where do we draw the line? Is it possible to be like USA minus their morals,and way of life? That's ,my question.Can we separate the good from the bad? Seeing how Kenyans behave,and APE the west, I wonder.
The American government has been supporting dehumanization of humans in order to force the masses to accept things the normally would not.
Kaluma sound like one of them empty tins, that make plenty of noise, btw he looks like a bottom. SMH.
Kaluma is doing what he was elected to do my his electorate. Continue with your habit together with your like, and do not breed please. It is good for the gene pool.
These two {Kaluma and the old ambassador} could make a good wife and husband team. Power has it that she will be the husband and Kaluma will be the wife.
So moron Kaluna thinks he can take on a fight with United States 🇺🇸 and survive?!?