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Kenya's first Attorney-General Charles Mugane Njonjo on Wednesday marked his 99th birthday.
Njonjo served in both President Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel Arap Moi administrations and is the only living member of Kenya's first post-independent Cabinet.
He was appointed to the AG position by President Kenyatta in 1963 to replace A.M.F Webb.
Despite his old age, Njonjo has maintained his physical fitness and still drives himself around. In a past interview, 'The Duke of Kabete', as he's popularly known, revealed secrets to his long life.
"I look after myself. I swim daily; I used to do 12 laps, now I do only seven. I also have a bicycle which I ride for 10 minutes daily, on top of the treadmill which I do for 10 minutes daily," he said.
"I’m also careful about what I eat; I don’t eat nyama choma, I eat a lot of veggies," he added.
In a separate interview, Njonjo also revealed he married at the age of 52 because he was a busy man and did not have time for women.
He also served as the Minister of Constitutional Affairs in President Moi's government before being elected Kikuyu Member of Parliament in 1983.
He has invested heavily in banking, insurance, aviation, hospitality, ranching, large scale farming, property, and real estate. He is one of the richest persons in the country.
There is nothing wrong with Sir Charles being a Briton or even thinking like one,if being Kenyan means corruption and tribalism.
"Njonjo served in both President Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel Arap Moi administrations and is the only living member of Kenya's first post-independent Cabinet". Wrong!!!. Moi also served in President Jomo Kenyatta's cabinet and is still living. Nevertheless, I admire the man. I have always!. I wish he had a chance to be Kenyan President, the Kenya we know today would be a developed country like any developed Western European country. Njonjo was a man ahead of his time. He never took nonsense from nonsensical African politicians who took Kenya to the path it is now. I admired his leadership style that put Africans where they belonged. Long live Charles Mugane Njonjo!!!!!!!!!!!!
When a few years agi Njonjo paused the Question as to "Who said Kikuyus should be the only People to Rule Kenya?" He boosted my Respect for him.
Kibaki was also in the first cabinet. Someone has his facts wrong.
Mwakilishi reporting is correct. Moi was not a member of Kenya's first cabinet. The first Kenyatta cabinet in 1963 had 15 ministers all from KANU. However, in his second cabinet 18 months later- on December 12th 1964 Kenyatta brought in three opposition politicians. He appointed Daniel Moi and Ronald Ngala, both from KANU and Paul Ngei of the African People's party.
It's also true that Moi served in Kenyatta's cabinet but not the first post Independence cabinet.
is the only living member of Kenya's first post-independent Cabinet.
@Imara..you are right. Kuna jina lingine to describe such men/folks, lakini for the respect I have for our elders, I will not jot it down here. Maisha marefu babu!
I wish he never pushed for Moi's presidency...Kenya lost it's future from that point on 24 years in total... we're still lost in corruption, and nepotism to say the least.
Whom should he have Rooted for (instead of Moi)?
You can repeat that. Always wonder when I see politicians trooping to Kabarak for blessings. Very short memory.
Sir Charles, the Duke of Kabeteshire, you've aged well, I'll strive to take care of myself too. Blow many more!
A useless "stateman" that has been forgotten because of maringo and only doing everything for himself...me me me. Apart from owning several black suits that beared his initials, grabbing everywhere and everything, just like kina Kenyatta, Koinange, Gichuru, Angaine, Moi, Hinga, G.G, Jaramogi, Omamo, Mudavadi, Kihika, Ngara, Kibaki, and others in Kenyatta cabinet, Njonjo has left no legacy for the country. While we can proudly talk about statesmen like Mboya, Njonjo was a great coward who was only looking after his interests. "Lord" Njonjo, The "Duke" of Kabeteshire, Queen Elizabeth's illusionary African appointee, has been one of the proudest, boastful, maringorist Kenya leader I have known all my entire life. Thats why 99 years later, no street, no building, no road, no town, no cow, no hyena, no game park, etc has ever been named after him. At least when i hit 99, a path along Kwa Finduki village where I used to use barefooted on my way to school will be named after me. And thats why my grandson never knew Hon Michuki, but can relate himself with him. Good riddance
@Bora don't be quick to dismiss the duke.
Njonjo Girls High School is a Girls boarding school, located in Igwamiti location, Laikipia County. The school which stands on a 80 acre land has a total population of 656 students and 26 teachers. ...
Mugikuyu, I come crom Boiman, Our grandfathers were tricmed by his friend VG to name it after him, but that was it. Never contributed a nail or washer. Useless black whiten man. Even people people never knew he still existed. Wait and see who will .....that day.
Never knew the man is that stingy.
He is a throw...been quoted several times before as regretting been born black. No legacy at all. If it were not for him, Moi could not have ascended to power in 1978 and wasted Kenyan's future for a damn 24 years plus.
By the time his friend retired in2002, Kenyans were crying hoarse from man-made poverty.
Congratulations Sir Charles, You are a gentleman and a scholar. May God bless you for being there for Kenya, when Kenya needed you.
@bora u spoke he is a land grabber. n he used his powers then to steal with moi regime so wr not fools to b fooled.Excuse me married @52 because he was forced by jomo kenyatta.I read in jomos book that he gave him 2 years then to get married or quit juu he cannot continues to b advice by unmarried man??As bora said he has nothing he had done for the poor/public which we can boast about?Ni Guteeee
Huyu ndugu yetu ni Mwingereza Halisi." Ukimwita Mkenya/Mwafrika, ni kumtukana. Mtu si rangi tu; mtu ni mahali fikira zake zilipo.