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The Kenya Embassy in Washington, DC is informing Kenyans living in the United States and Mexico that the Huduma Namba registration process in currently ongoing. The Embassy says the process started on May 6th and will end on June 19, 2019.
Huduma Namba registration is part of the Kenyan government’s process of developing a digital integrated database of all citizens and foreigners living in Kenya, with the aim of enhancing the provision of Government services and for national planning.
Kenyans living in the US will need to start the registration process online at https://diaspora.hudumanamba.go.ke and fill out the online form before presenting themselves in person at the Embassy for capturing of their biometric information.
The government announced that the registration period for those living in Kenya ends on May 18th, but extended the period for those in the Diaspora to June.
Registration Process
- The primary documents for registration are: (i) Kenyan National Identity Card or Kenyan Passport for persons aged 18 and above (ii) Kenyan Birth Certificate for persons below 18 years of age
- Please present other relevant documents including Kenyan Driving licence, National Social Security Fund (NSSF) card, National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) card, Kenya Revenue Authority PIN Certificate
- To commence the online registration process, please visit: https://diaspora.hudumanamba.go.ke
- Create an account using your First Name and Email Address;
- You will receive an email giving you a temporary password (Check your junk/spam mail in case you do not see it in the main inbox);
- Log into the created account using the temporary password sent to the provided email;
- Fill in the registration form and submit;
- You will receive an email with the reference number and the registration document number;
- Please present yourself to the Kenya Embassy in Washington DC with the email and all the relevant original documents stated above for scanning and capturing of the biometrics and finalization of the registration process;
- Parents/Guardians may use their accounts to register Minors. Biometric data will not be captured for children under the age of 6 years;
- During the mass registration period, the Embassy will remain open for the purposes of this exercise as follows on Mondays to Fridays - 9:30 a.m. to 3.30 pm except on Public Holidays.
- For further information/clarification please contact the Consular Section through: Tel: +1(202)387-6101 or email: <information@kenyaembassydc.org.
The Biometrics and document capture cannot be executed unless the applicant has completed the online application form and received the reference numbers.
So all those Kenyans From Olympia, Wa to Manchester, NH to Tallahassee, Fl to San Jose, CA will be expected to troop to Washington DC to register? Ndamugeithia muno! Kwanza there is a June deadline. Like seriously? What if I guys don't have air tickets, or they cant get time off from work, or students are still in school? C'mon guys!
Yes, we need someone from the Emabassy to travell to all states and register Kenyans. The process should take at least 4 months. If they dedicate e days for each state and have at a minimum two groups registering Kenyans. Kenyan leaders should stop being lazy and take the initiative
My passport is expired, l cannot get an E-passport and new Id because the system is not set up. Will l travel to DC for Hunduma number, another trip for E-passport and another for new Id? I will only go there if l can get all the three in one trip otherwise l don't see the need.
Someone is really f'ed up if they think USA, Canada or Australia is the size of Kenya and that you can just hop into a mathree and ride to the Embassy under a June deadline. Someone tell GOK it will not work. If fact someone tell GOK to go on a roadshow and sign up interested people by visiting their cities with their biometric kits. After all it is easier for a party of 5 - 10 to hop around, than to expect diverse families to troop to DC (sleepy embassy) or LA or Toronto to be sajiliwad.
You have spoken so well. They seriously need to do that... Just like they do in Kenya. Going door to door and to villages as well.
It’s ill advised to expect anyone to make an above $500 trip to DC for Huduma number!! Most Kenyans can’t afford to come to DC to get a Kenyan ID! If you want Kenyans to get the #, you have to bring the registration program to each state!
someone help me understand what's the purpose of this huduma mamba again, what government services are we getting in the diaspora?
@Kinuthia, it is namba not mamba. Mambas are at tsavo park. This Huduma namba project is being directed by Chinese so only the Chinese know what they want with it. Kenya, due to huge unpaid or rather unbearable debt is owned by Chinese. If you want to be owned by them get your namba.
Wudup world!
Huduma # ain't shit, jubilee ain't shit either. Fuck em, they can suck a fat steak tube!
Huduma # ain't shit, jubilee ain't shit either. Fuck em, they can suck a fat steak tube!
It is a Number, created by the current Government, to dublicate already existing Numbers. Kenyans have already been allocated individual Numbers, in Birth Certificates and National IDs. Now there is also the Huduma Numba.
Please our government be considerate. No way everyone can make to DC and even the staff there can be able to attend all Kenyan Citizen at the DC.
quite easy they could have converted our id numbers to huduma number..our memory is full we have read only drives...you canot use foreign servers or network to disclose people identity..the USA Will ask for the data and it might work against your citizens..be smart 254
The math doesn't add up with this deadline. We have 2 consulates & 1 embassy open 40 hours a week each & 28 working days to go. If we have 100k kenyans and kenyan americans and half decide to enroll, each mission would have to enroll around 30 people every hour for the next 28 working days to achieve this goal - that is one every 2 minutes. Knowing the competence levels of these offices, who believes this is even remotely achievable. If 90% decide this is upuzi, they still have to process one person every 10 minutes to get 10k people. There is still that matter of time off, airline tickets and hotel reservations to make. We need a gofundme page for this foolishness. If this means no kenyan passport in the future for me, so be it.
Honestly..How practical is this? Like I have to get into a plane with my daughter from Mexico to for Huduma Namba.. However important it is surely can't the GOK find a more favorable way of having those in the diaspora registered. Doesn't feel the cost on people's behalf? Why is it being made to sound like it is a walk-in walk-out affair.. Isn't likely that we would be required to stay in the city for a day or 2 to hustle through crowds of people? Isn't this an extra cost! Surely...
It is a very worrying situation and a shameful one. Mitiang'i has a habit of issuing directives without doing due diligence. He is the fellow who does Uhuru kenyatta's dirty work. Does he expect all Kenyans living in the United states to go to DC to register for that Satanic number in DC? All they need to do is to open agency's in all states especially states where there are more Kenyans like Seattle, Boston, gorgia and others. I am appealing to Kenyans to ignore that directive until they come to their senses. What is the hurry for if that huduma thing is genuine. Fake
I live in trinidad and Kenya has no reprezentative in the caribbeanam am I expected within this short notice to travel to Washington for huduma Nammba? Who accommodates me during that time
What's the plan with the Kenyans who are in Sri Lanka? Are there plans for them of getting Huduma#?
According to GoK, Huduma no. is meant to consolidate all government documents i.e. ID, Passport, DL, NHIF, NSSF, physical address and your phone contacts.
Inter Alia, it will guide the government in planning for services.
Without the no. you'll not get government services e.g. when seeking government official documents like birth certificates, Passport renewal, treatment using National insurance card.
Lastly, for security reasons. They want to weed out aliens especially with the threat of Al Shaabab.
I agree with folks here. They need to make the registration exercise more accessible to people living in the diaspora & extend the registration period.
I went to register at the Kenyan embassy in Doha, Qatar yesterday and it was hectic with the system hanging ( probably due to the last minute rush by Kenyans in kenya because of the 18th May deadline ).
P.S. A government official had threatened that the government will direct phone operators to close phone lines/SIM cards of those that will not have complied but State House later refuted this directive.
You seem well schooled in this huduma namba so if I may ask. How will my land rates payments be affected by my lack of a huduma namba or will the govt. choose to ignore that part for the sake of expediency?
A court ruled that it cannot collect DNA, cannot force registration and cannot withhold services to anyone without a number.
does Huduma number replace PIN#, Passport# and Kipande#. Being forced to travelling to DC is my problem. Who pays for ticket and accomodation?
@Jaxc Our government is known for ignoring court orders. The same court ruled that that the government should not set a deadline, and yet it did.
Better be safe than sorry.
My two cents.
These guys have sawdust for brains. Do they honestly expect to register even half of the diaspora during their registration period?
One solution would be to have us do the prelim online registration and then be given an extended period to physically present ourselves for the biometrics. What say during your next passport renewal or visit to Kenya or DC?
Question! What happens to those who dont register? Do we become non citizens or what?
I hope all we lose are the many benefits and goodies we are currently receiving from the central govt.
So if the deadline is June, and no registration will happen after that, What happens to the children born after that deadline. This is all bullshit. Registration of any sort should never be forced on anyone. This definitely sound satanic. There are other important things the GOK should be focusing on in improving the lives of the citizens and pulling their efforts towards and this is definitely not one of them. The GOK like focusing on irrelevant things that are not urgent or necessary as a way to deflect from real issues, and that is why we will never move forward as a country. And ditto to everyone else, who will pay for my travel and accommodation and the money I lose by taking time off work for three days or more, doing this shit?
Instead of this Huruma number, the GOK should first ensure we are represented by allowing us, members of the diaspora, to vote in Kenyan elections and to have a representative too. We are the diaspora and we bring a lot of revenue to GOK yet we are not represented. They should have prioritized our voting rights with a greater agency than this BS. And finally, let us avoid redundancy of numerous numbers by using the ID numbers as the Huruma number. But most importantly, stop issuing us the passports you are envisioning to discontinue.....
Okay, let me break this down, the deadline is June 19, today is May 19, meaning we have 30 days to get this so-called "Huduma Number" hehehehe...
Okay, GOK, make everything an online thing, then have a GOK representative to come to every state in the USA and capture our biometric information.
And by the way, how will I, a Kenyan citizen and student taking summer classes "And more paying from my pocket" and in school until August 01 BENEFIT from thus number????????
Travel ticket to DC isn't anything less than $300. Oh, and plus the hotel room. Oh, plus the food expenses, and the time spent "by the way, just to remind GOK, time is MONEY"
How is that possible with the incompetence and unavailability of staff at the embassy and slow online response. SPEED UP THE TECHNOLOGY, IT IS NOT WORKING PEOPLE, SERIOUSLY!!!!
Please our Kenyan country if huduma number is like social security,why should it have a deadline and rush?ehh mwadhani tunaenda wapi?
If it is like social security why the rush and deadline?
The diaspora's we have in USA employ people who are just on a holiday here. Phones go unanswered, voice mails un-returned, Email responses - no way!, 4 hours of business hours a day. Friday, Saturday and Sunday is holiday. Man, sometimes, I feel like I want to work for GOK.
I applied for a dual citizenship many many months ago, very painful. Until today, not even a small paper acknowledging my effort. Totally useless exercise. I Call the consulates, they say "maybe you apply again"
Applied for a new passport, 32 pages, embassy said they only have 64 pages heheheh. I told them give me half and I pay you half the cost. Wapi! Had to pay the full 64 page cost, but ended up getting 32 pages. Heheheh.
So I'm thinking this Huduma thing, what good is it? My parents insist I do it.
They ask for crazy details on the application form. Too much exposure, and for what? Maybe they will send me ugali from Kisumu when I'm 65 and toothless.
The diaspora's we have in USA employ people who are just on a holiday here. Phones go unanswered, voice mails un-returned, Email responses - no way!, 4 hours of business hours a day. Friday, Saturday and Sunday is holiday. Man, sometimes, I feel like I want to work for GOK.
I applied for a dual citizenship many many months ago, very painful. Until today, not even a small paper acknowledging my effort. Totally useless exercise. I Call the consulates, they say "maybe you apply again"
Applied for a new passport, 32 pages, embassy said they only have 64 pages heheheh. I told them give me half and I pay you half the cost. Wapi! Had to pay the full 64 page cost, but ended up getting 32 pages. Heheheh.
So I'm thinking this Huduma thing, what good is it? My parents insist I do it.
They ask for crazy details on the application form. Too much exposure, and for what? Maybe they will send me ugali from Kisumu when I'm 65 and toothless.
It took 6 hours to get a password and by the time i put it in the password portal, it was denied
I was then prompted to try again and this time it took till the next day to get the password, used it again and it was declined. Do you guys have an I.T person? Its Disgraceful. How long is the password you send to my email valid for? I used three of my emails and were REJECTED EACH TIME... go figure!
WaKenya tulikosea wapi?
E-Citizen; Citizens and Foreign residents can apply for Government services online Chap chap? Seriously this is comedy at its best. Was this system tested before someone got paid? Does not accept foreign phone numbers and demands phone number to be in the Kenyan format, the so called single sign on "sends a code to your phone"; good luck if you do not have an active Kenyan number, no instructions on what to do or expect after creating an account, access will be denied multiple times due to invalid phone number, e-mail and password! All Kenyans in the USA to head to Washington for biometric information. Puzzling how there is money for politicians to travel abroad, in conveys when campaigning but no money to deploy a few officials to each of the 6 main regions in the US. And why is planning so poor? Before asking people to obtain NSSF, PIN and huduma why don't the powers that be think through what they are trying to achieve and stop wasting peoples' resources and time. In the US all you need is a social Security number and an ID. Soon you will start asking us for PIN ya PIN and Huduma ya>>>>.
This Huduma is a master card with a 5 year validity...Kenyan citizens are in lien with this huduma number bullshit to all the debt GOK is borrowing from everyone especially China. Can someone look up Google reviews on Kenyan embassies world wide it's the same story zero stars as everyone is complaining how incompetent they are...its a broken system we need to drain the swamp.
Si kwamba ninajua chochote wala mjuaji ovyo ovyo, lakini, lakini kinachonikera moyoni mwangu ni: huduma namba hii itanifaidi kwa njia ipi? Kwanza nina namba yakunifaa ambayo kwayo hunifata kokote niendapo, kwa jina lingine Social Security number. Pili, nina nyingine ambayo Allah hamdurilahi nikipatwa kama sina nayo na polisi barabarani, ole wanguuuu... Tatu, lazima nikumbuke anwani ya pale niishipo kichwani bila kusitasita. Nne, nina kadi chungu nzima za kununua hiki na kile bila malipo, ambazo ni deni. Tano, lazima nikumbuke nambari yako ya usajiri ya chuo. Sita, lazima nikumbuke tarehe za sikukuu za maana hapa Marekani, kama vile Labor Day, Thanks Giving Day, President Day, na kadhalika kwa sababu niendapo kazini, nalipwa mara dufu. Na mwisho, lazima nikumbuke tarehe yangu ya kuzaliwa kwani siku hio nalipwa bila kwenda kazini. Halafu serikali inadhubutu kuniongezea nambari nyingine! Nitaiweka wapi? Siwezi kupiga kura kwa sababu kunao wanaodhania mimi ni Mkenya wa kushukiwa. Ikawaje sasa mimi tena Mkenya. Natuma kiasi kikubwa cha dola nchini Kenya ili kustawasisha shillingi ya Kenya. Benki Kuu ya Kenya ikitangaza kiasi cha hela zilizotumwa na waishio ughaibuni, nasahaulika papo hapo. Niambiwe ni kipi kitakacho nishurutisha kubebana na namba ambayo kwayo hitanifaidi kwa miaka 20 ijayo. Nisiletewe mie!!