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US President Donald Trump on Thursday unveiled a new immigration proposal that would among other things eliminate the Green Card Lottery (Diversity Visa Program).
In the proposal, the 50,000 permanent resident visas issued annually under the 50,000 would instead be re-allocated to employment-based applicants.
The Diversity Visa Program issues 50,000 green cards annually on a lottery basis to nationals of countries with low immigration rates to the United States.
Speaking at the Rose Garden on Thursday afternoon, Trump said the proposal would also limit family-based sponsorship to children and spouses of US citizens.
Trump criticized the current immigration system that includes granting green cards on a lottery basis and based on having relatives in the United States as dysfunctional and unfair.
He said his proposal will prioritize highly skilled workers over familiar ties, adding that the current immigration system that does not offer a legal path for immigrants who graduate on top of their classes from some of the best universities in the US to remain and work in the country it totally broken.
During the presidential campaign and since then, Trump has said he favors immigration programs that are merit-based (such as employment-based programs available for high-skilled individuals), and has continually pledged to end chain migration - family-based migration.
The proposal, developed by senior adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, faces an uphill battle for passage in Congress. Democrats who control the House of Representatives have pledged to vote down any immigration reform bill that does not provide permanent legal status to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients. Republicans who control the Senate on the other hand say the proposal does not reduce the overall level of immigration, which they have been pushing for.
Earlier on Thursday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said the issue of DACA was purposefully left out of the new immigration plan because it is too “divisive”.
“Every single time we have put forward or anyone else has put forward any type of immigration plan and it’s included DACA, it’s failed. It’s a divisive thing,” Sanders told reporters, adding that DACA was “left out on purpose.”
Sounds like for a long time, you've desired to be included in the elite class.
And you really think you would be one of them? Do not hang to every word with white American politicians.It is always coded.
This is one racist decision. Best note that the DV lottery isnt broken.All this years, there have been no issue with immigrants through the DV lottery. It mostly helps Africans and Asians have an opportunity at migrating, who end up working hard and have next to zero crime rates and make huge profits. Now with the system he proposes, it will benefit mostly Europeans, Chinese and Japanese. Based on the development expectations of skilled workers whom will be expected to have expected employment in the US. They sure as hell won't be targeting Africans, from education sytems they consider of less quality. Also other countries mostly developing countries, with high poverty rates and low quality education wont qualify also.
You're absolutely right! That's what this is all about. The 50000 Visa were not always issued because it also depended on many things. Some of the applicants, winner of the lottery couldn't afford the tickets and all the expenses of traveling and it's not like they were replaced by others. This is a way for him to get those "sweedish"that he prefers to have.
He is absolutely right. Nothing wrong with bringing people that will benefit our economy. We need young, skilled, talented individuals. Green card doesnt 100% works towards that. There is a lot scam with green cards out there. Lots of old people are winning DV lottery, how is that benefits US economy?! The whole world has to step up their game if they want to come here. No need for more cab drivers.
Well, Alex you're right in some areas but still can USA stand on its own? So many 1st class citizens doesn't go beyond high school, no college yet wants a glowing economy... So if you need other countries what's the discrimination for? There's always a coded meaning of anything from US white politicians. Scrutinize every means of entry but still grant every clean guys access and monitor them like every other person don't indirectly legalized racism if USA wants to remain d No. 1 Country of d World
you are right. we have enough average and below average citizens. we don't need average and below average immigrants. we need skilled people for the country to benefit. and what discrimination are you talking about? United States don't owe anything to people who are not their citizens. you should ask your own country for your rights, that IS the general idea of citizenships.
Huyu Ndugu yetu amesahau ya kwamba mamake mzazi alizaliwa nchi ya Scotland, babu yake nchi ya Ujerumani na nchi hii ilikuwa na wenyewe na hata sasa wangaliko.
Naomba kama hujaenda mahali wenye nchi waliposukumwa na Wanayuropa waliotumia mabavu kunyakua nchi ya wenyewe, nakuomba uende kuwaona na utakufa moyo. Wanaishi maisha mabaya sana.
Sisi tuna bahati sana kwa sababu tuliweza kuikomboa nchi yetu ya Kenya tena kutoka kwa majambazi na matapeli Waingereza.
Kila mahali Waingereza walipokwenda, walipanda mbegu ya ubaguzi wa rangi na watu kujichukia. Hebu tazama kwenye ramani halafu uone vile walivyoweza kunyakua nchi ya Canada, Marekani, Australia, na pia New Zealand.
Waspania, Wareno (Portuguese), Wadachi, Waarabu, Wadenish, Wabeljiji, Wafaransa, Wataliani, Wajerumani, wote walinyakua ardhi isiyo yao na kuifanya kuwa yao. Jambo moja muhimu lililowafanya wafaulu haraka hivyo, ilikuwa bunduki, koran, na biblia.
You cant write in english and you stoll expect to get a greencard to the USA. Nkt
Hahaha Marvin at least he read the article....
This site is not for English writers only! We can read in English na tujibu kwa Kiswahili. Sawa?
So Marvin, if you can type in English, kindly explain the meaning of the word you used "stoll". At least that Swahili is sharp. On the other hand, I fear that you are insinuating that the diversity lottery should only be awarded to English speaking persons.
What a dumb comment from you Martin! This Swahili writer has written sense unlike you who is troll. Focus on the issue at hand! Ghasia
Please, write in english..
Greencard has been giving everyone an opportunity to come to the US including the very poor people. If the new proposal passes the congress, it will limit this golden opportunity. This comes down to marginalizing people based on resources. Most of those highly skilled people comes from Elite families. The rich are able to take their kids to good schools. That means America will be immigrated by the wealthy people. It's not a fair move. I think every Human Being in this Planet should be giving an opportunity to thrive.
You know nothing about the dv lottery system. The selected person must present $15k (+$5k for each dependent) on the visa processing phase. If you are a very poor person you cannot come to the US at all.
It doesn't cost that much I dont know which DV you are talking about. FYI all fees are online and are shy of $1K for the winner and much less than that for spouse or dependants ( Visa fees, medical etc). I do agree with the previous person, that is why it was named "diversity" it is all inclusive, does not discriminate, just need a little luck.
Did you say $15k or Ksh 15k
That's true sue
That's true sue
Trump's proposal is in line with his notion of wanting less of people from shithole counties and more from rich white counties like Norway.
@ Sue, I agree with you on your last two sentences.Attracting intellectuals, so to speak from poor countries will only set them back,and make the poor even desire more to leave their countries.
The solution is obvious.Make our economies,big, our societies secure,and safe.We should also reinvent our culture and pride.Do more with african countries,and eventually unite and become a power house,or super power.
Yes very sad my dream is cut short now of becoming an american citizen comenout of this broke country kenya no jobs somebody invite me then so sad
Trump should have set up this proposal long before his father and mother in law benefited from the very kind of immigration policy he now try to change. chain migration.
We shall still participate dv 2021.his proposals will have to be debated on the house, I doubt if the motion can see the light of the day. There are GOOD democrats law makers who supports immigration not based on color,country of origin,economic status of individual(s) .. etc
We shall still participate dv 2021.his proposals will have to be debated on the house, I doubt if the motion can see the light of the day. There are GOOD democrats law makers who supports immigration not based on color,country of origin,economic status of individual(s) .. etc
My friend for8 years is efucadted and professional. He is very gentle kind person. My home I'd open for him and daughter to come stay upon arrival to States and my sister and her friends also. He is highly skilled at computer graphics design, advertising, has bachelor's in business.He lost all hope of making a living even because of Houtis. He not even paid hardly at phone and they threaten him.He is convert to Christian and hiding from his family and was forced by his mom to marry whom he not even knew. His dad graduated from Calif. University. But there is ban on Yemen.Houti destroy everything. I love my friend Sam. He is gifted. Because he was born in Yemen and it is banned he can't apply for Coming? I love him so long now and he me.. he'd beautiful fine person.
I agree 100% with sue & maxilley.
I just think Trump is a hypocrite. His parent in laws came in thru same measure. What education / skill do they have?
This man trump just doesnt want africans, latinos (except the filthy rich ones) buh europeans (predominantly caucasians)
Systematic Racism.
Problem is not the immigration. Problem is with sending immense amount of remittance out of USA, which must be strictly controlled. Such type of Immigration reforms won't do the justice for nation rebuilding as far as work force category balancing is concerned. Rather it will allow even the higher chunks of money outflow.
How unfair to so many people that do not have the means to get a good education.In my opinion Trump gets what he wants even though he seems to have married two immagrants!! I totally agree with maxiley Trump wants less people from as he calls shithole countries and more people from the white countries of Norway! WHAT A D K head!
Hey am so sad that my dream of coming to America is no more to poor me why now trump? You want me to die poor why I want to visit at least somebody invite me then . trump you've failed me but I know God has sweet plans over my life and my kids
Trump is the first president thinking fair and wise.
I have the same thinking since I come to US 13 years ago.
So many people entered with fake college degrees,fake experiences and fake passports living legally.
Ndugu yangu @Maxiley na Dada yangu Sue:
Si vizuri huyu ndugu yetu Donald kufanya anavyofikiria kuhusu uhamiaji. Kwa nini? Nchi maskini hutumia mali yake nyingi kumwelimisha mtu mmoja halafu Marekani ije imchukue ili ifaidike! Je, huu ni ungwana?
Hebu fikiria: mkulima hulima shamba, hupanda (plant) mahindi, huyapalilia (weed), halafu mahindi yanapokuwa tayari kuliwa, ngedere (small monkey) huja halafu huyaiba mahindi na kwenda kula pamoja na familia yake! Mwishowe, mkulima anabaki akilia na huku ngendere anafurahia sana kula mahindi ambayo hakuyapanda wala kuyapalilia!
Ningependa nchi zote zilizo maskini zipinge (oppose) vikali fikira hizi mbovu za Donald Trump.
I agree people should be educated and speak English. I see a lot of immigrants walking around, can't speak English or work.
As for as shit holes countries. They do stink. I've said it long before Trump said it. The gutters are filthy, nasty and full of trash and feces.
Many from Ghana and Nigeria got mad because of what Trump said. I said well, do something about it because they are nasty. Ghana started a campaign cleaning their gutters and beaches. It smells better and the beaches look Beautiful.
Kenya should retaliate by introducing the same conditions. For too long all kinds of failed foreigners have been coming to Kenya and taking Kenyan jobs. I am thinking of the cuban doctors who were imported by the cluesless boy in statehouse and paid more than kenyan doctors.
Who has stopped us Africans from making powerhouses out of our countries back home? Why are we perpetually second rate, ever on the receiving end? Why can’t we just rise to the occasion and make Africa a paradise so that it’s young men and women will stop perishing in the Mediterranean as they seek better pastures in Europe? Why are we perpetually corrupt, of weak morals, minimal ambition and primitive? Trump and the United States have every reason and right to control their border. It is all our fault and EACH of us should constantly ask ourselves what we can do to better our lot back home - shun corruption, educate a needy kid, curb our greed / materialistic bent, help a fellow citizen etc. Let’s all have a rethink of how we carry out our affairs with a goal of making Africa the go-to continent, effectively stopping racism in it’s tracks and reinstating respect for the African
@Mlachake kula Mia moja hapo.Those who have read my posts in the past know that ihave raised same questions about the status of mwafrika.I have said the wheel has been invented.We do not have to reinvent it.Therefore logically speaking by now we should be in the "first world column".It is shameful.The whole continent of africa is pretty much third world after 60 years of independence. And those that were never colonized aren't fairing any better.WHY.
@Mlachake kula Mia moja hapo.Those who have read my posts in the past know that ihave raised same questions about the status of mwafrika.I have said the wheel has been invented.We do not have to reinvent it.Therefore logically speaking by now we should be in the "first world column".It is shameful.The whole continent of africa is pretty much third world after 60 years of independence. And those that were never colonized aren't fairing any better.WHY.
During the reign of Col. Muammar Gaddafi Leybia used to be a very stable country economically with almost zero unemployment. Who finished that country? Wasn't it POTUS? They want Africans to remain poor.
I shudder to think that building a country on that trajectory is amount to discrimination to say the least. Historical fact proves that America is a land of immigrants from different county to occupy this island why because of queer and sheer try to band others especially Africans from travelling. Many other races come to Africa to do anything of their choices without striction and friction confrontation. Trump needs to deliver on his promises but then they should come to put impediment in the lives of others.
Amerindians whose Nation captured by Viking cannot continue to be under one man show. Trump needs to provide way forward rather than dependent on special skill workers for immigration.
Haya ndiyo niliyoandika leo kwenye gazeti mojawapo la Nchi ya Marekani:
Just out of curiosity, why hasn't President Trump closed and built a northern fence between the US and Canada? What does that tell you about his immigration policy?
I strongly oppose his abolishing of the lottery visa system which made it possible for many people come to this country, make it, and prosper economically. He (Trump) suggested that only people with skills would be allowed to enter the US!
I oppose this very strongly and here are my reasons why I don't like the new policy. Many struggling nations in the world invest a lot of money to educate one single citizen. It will be wrong, unjust, and immoral for the US to allow only the top brains from the financially struggling nations to migrate to the US. These people can help their countries develop faster as soon as they complete their studies at home.
I will give an example to illustrate how unfair his new policies are to the "struggling nations:" Imagine a farmer who tills the land, plants corn, nurtures his corn plants by weeding and possibly using insecticides. As soon as the corn is ready, a monkey steals it and sends it to his family without taking into account all the necessary work the farmer did in order to have the corn ready for his family to harvest and eat. I personally oppose this new policy of "allowing only skilled people" to migrate in the US.
Many current successful American ancestors' came to the US practically empty handed from their lands of origin in Africa, Asia, and Europe. However, by working hard, some of them are now millionaires and a few billionaires. The best gift Donald can give to the struggling nations of the world is to discourage the migration of the top brains to the US.
I agree with Mlachake, we need to develop our countries instead of selling them to foreigners. We have great minds in Africa. We have the largest amount of natural resources, beautiful beaches and great climate. We can do it if we focus.
Asante sana kwa ujumbe wako muhimu sana kwa kila kiongozi wa Afrika na wananchi wote. Nakuomba ujitahidi kutafsiri ujumbe huu kwenye lugha zote za taifa Afrika ili viongozi wa Afrika wafanye kazi pamoja na kuleta sifa barani mwetu.
I think that the green card bassed on competencies is better, because there are a lot of skilled and educated persons without a job...
Everyone should stop and think.This is a proposal by the president.It has not been implemented.Instead of talking sense you guys are portraying the shit hole attitude like our stupid leaders who have put the children of Africa into slavery. If you want to argue about English language in this modern world then,you are big fools.Green card lottery has helped Africa as a whole.Lets talk sense and stop the stupid mentality that does not take us any where.If you know how to make an argument, it would be better you initiate it among the foolish leaders of Africa whom Mr Trump is far better than them.This is an opportunity to Express your views and opinions and not opportunity to mark English language.shut your month if you can't tell us something meaningful.
When someone criticize you I was taught to use the criticism as a fuel to grow, so instead of complaining among yourselves why not come up with something like " # Make Africa the greatest" and use this to unite all the Africans at home and in the diaspora to rebuilt Africa and the lives of Africans
" Yes you CAN"
I don't see anything wrong with raising the level of skilled immigrants from 12% to 60% or so.