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A Catholic doctor who made headlines last month after urging Kenyans not to be inoculated against COVID-19 has died from the virus.
Dr. Stephen Karanja, chairman of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association (KCDA), succumbed to the disease on Tuesday while undergoing treatment at Mater Hospital in Nairobi, according to Jacinta Mutegi of the Catholic Health Commission.
In early March, Dr. Karanja released a statement urging Kenyans not to receive the COVID-19 jab, saying it was “unnecessary.”
His statement came hours after President Kenyatta flagged off a consignment of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines for distribution across the country.
“It seems there is something Bill Gates has invested in that requires the whole world to be vaccinated. What that investment is remains the million-dollar question,” said Dr. Karanja.
The medic argued that the virus can only be defeated through wearing masks, steaming of symptomatic patients, and isolation. He further urged other faith-based organizations to join the anti-vaccination campaign.
“We know for a fact that there are drugs that have been repurposed and used effectively to treat Covid-19. We also know that vaccination for this disease is totally unnecessary making the motivation suspect,” he added.
The Catholic Bishops in Kenya distanced themselves from KCDA’s statement and expressed support for the government’s efforts to vaccinate citizens against the virus.
Karanja was also opposed to the tetanus vaccine and also spoke out against the vaccine for cervical cancer in 2019.
Ha ha. It's Karma has its way
Ignorance has never been an excuse to good solutions! This kind of fanatic doctors are not worth the medical training they get to help others!
Karanja must have attended a ghetto medical training college some place where he is now!
Sorry he could not save himself from covid19 monster! He was not alone in his belief but suffered the potential risk of dying from covid19.
The doctor was spreading rumors of something he did not fully understand! And I bet he may have misled several others who did not know any better!
We should refrain from assuming that just because someone is a doctor,they are authority in every medical field.It pays to question the authority.
Corona means Crown; and Crown is for a "Ruler over People". So Corona is notorious of Dominating peoples' health; a very Controlling disease (that can Catch you so Unaware if you play Ignorance of it and Kill you on a Serious note.
RIP. He'd probably be still alive if he had access to the drugs that have been repurposed and used effectively to treat Covid-19. Nevertheless, he should also have taken chances with the vaccine.
His video was circulating on WhasApp. He said combination of 3 medicines which I will not mention can cure COVID-19.
Which are the three medicines he promoted!? Tea leaves, Machani and Kahawa?
Fools all the way to the graveyard. No sympathy here. What a waste? All that education and you are not immune from low grade conspiracy theories. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who play down this Pandemic is a damn fool. Get your shot if you can get it. Corvid-19 will kill you. It does not discriminate. Bill Gates has nothing to do with these stupid conspiracies. And so it goes.
"We should refrain from assuming that just because someone is a doctor, they are authority in every medical field. It pays to question the authority."
Ndugu yangu @ Maxiley, umesema ukweli mtupu. Watu wengine walio na tabia mbovu za kuwatapeli wananchi ni viongozi wa makanisa bandia ya kigeni.
Vaccination is not a cure. It is for prevention. Even those who are advocating for it do not know if it works. Its too early to know it's effects. Some have died after being vaccinated; some have developed complications- blood clots ; some have even gotten sick after being vaccinated; and who knows the long term effects. Let us treat the sick and not make the healthy sick.
This is a decision that need to be made by every individual because they are the ones who are going to deal with whatever complications come about.
Let us not advertise the vaccine as if it is a cure or give threats or sell fear.
Let us wait and see what happens to those who have been vaccinated!!
Could it also be a plague? - which has no cure? Just a thought!!
@ Anonymous UI, you are correct. Considering that vaccine takes alongtime to get through all the development stages.Some have taken as much as 15 years for perfection.
However,with advancement in medical science,mainly in biotechnology,Iam willing to bet that its is possible for vaccine to take ashort time to be developed,and used en masse.The rate at which covid19 was spreading necessitated quick response from all experts in virology to do something.Quick.
Only time can tell the efficacy.I take this a work in progress.So far the progress is good.
Anonymous... point of correction... there have been no k own deaths associated with any on the vaccines.
Kenyans should take whatever vaccine that is available to them! The late Karanja gripping theories did not serve him well! Be careful of the agents of doom!
Wrong education; wrong results!!
He was an OB/GYN.
Brandishing a medical degree doesn't necessarily equates to smartness. A fool with a tool is still a fool.
Expired Karanja was welcomed to by his host comrade Walwa(Pombe) Viro(Makufuri).