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Results of the 2020 Diversity Visa program (DV-2020), popularly known as the Green Card Lottery, are now available on the US State Department website.
The portal opened on May 7th, 2019 at 12pm EDT.
The results will remain on the portal until at least September 30, 2020, says the State Department.
Only individuals who participated in the lottery during the open registration period which ran last year between October 3rd and November 6th can expect to be in the drawing.
The Diversity Visa program, which is run by the US Department of State, makes 55,000 permanent resident visas (green cards) available each year though a lottery system to nationals of countries with low numbers of immigrants in the United States. Kenya is among countries whose citizens qualified to participate in DV-2020.
Link for the DV-2020 Entrant Check: https://dvlottery.state.gov.
The State Department, which runs the program, urges entrants to have their confirmation number, last/family name, and year of birth to check their status.
For DV-2020, nationals of the following countries were ineligible to participate in the program because they have had more than 50,000 natives immigrate to the United States over the last five years: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China (mainland-born), Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, South Korea, United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland) and its dependent territories, and Vietnam.
How can I chake .it's not found
the results page is available.
We don't need any more Indian!Fuck sake..we sick of you people !!!!We need a white race!Not like you stinky people...Your country should be banned from lottery
Go back to England bro. That is your real place. Seek ppl
Hevis not ur brother
The proplecwe don't need are the racist like you.
Im white and I dont believe in an "all white race"!!.Thats RIDICULOUS!!..GOD made us all in different shades,sizes, and colors!!....
Be blessed
Im white and I dont believe in an "all white race"!!.Thats RIDICULOUS!!..GOD made us all in different shades,sizes, and colors!!....
That's it. Whatever our physical appearance is: We are the image of God.
Exactly. Stinky indian motherfuckers have flooded US states. All of them are scammers whether they are in IT or Healthcare or taxi. They scam in india and do the same thing here.
It is sad that the same people that u choose to hate would never turn you weak minded people away when u where in need they invited you on there land and you race kill them all your a very sad man and I will pray for u
Dude! Here is the partial list of Indians, that are already making America great. Just for your kind education. Wake up!
Yeaaah, no more stinking indians or pakistanis
You are a terrible racist!
You are so ignorant and stupid it's unbelievable. Don't you know that there's a Supreme Being, and the entire Human Race was created in his image and likeness? As a matter of fact, civilization started in Africa with people of color. Man was made from the dust of the earth. What color is the ground?
Mr. Boris & Mr. Mike, instead of complaining, how about educate yourself and fill out the positions that your country needs us for? How sad that even google couldn’t find a competent WHITE American to fill up their CEO spot? Don’t think you giving us the opportunity... it’s because you’re so incapable that your government needs to depend on us... go get yourself a degree so you have some knowledge about the world. Or take your white assess somewhere else because your DNA report won’t come as Native Americans so you don’t belong here as well!! RIP & namaste 🙏🏼!!
They cannot do any thing without south Asian people even they cannot do good homework 😂😂fck asshole dumb nigga 🤘🏻🤘🏻
You don’t have your own country..yeah we come here cause your country invite us .you bitch..
Even without Indian guy you cannot take breath properly..rip you whoever talk that shit thingse😡namaste 👏
If we don't have Indians, who will run gas stations and cheap motels?
I'm an American ,my family came here on the Mayflower ,my DNA is Plantagenant and Tudor but I owe my Life to two Doctors whom happen to be of Indian decent that chose our great Nation to practice cardiology in . They literally saved my life 4 times in the past year after a white cardiologist told me that my heart was fine. So don't be so quick to judge a person by their skin color ,we all bleed red and have only one judge ,God. As long as the people coming to America are of good standing and aren't planning on trying to turn us into a Muslim country and will assimilate and take on America life styles , coming in the legal way -We should treat them with respect!
Catherine, I appreciate your level of understanding. I would say this is true CIVILISED thinking. In addition, I agree with all the terms you spelt out which you expect immigrants to meet. Topmost among them is not hoping to change this great country to an Islamic nation. (Iam currently visiting from Africa.)
Great thinking
You are just soo Brave..
you are simply a racists. shame on you.you are no different from your ancestors who are the cause of all problem facing the world today.fool.
We also dont want a racist whitehead communist Russian like you who shoot up schools or are pedophiles. You moron
Yo really motherfuxker you white piece of trash go suck donalds trump dick u asshole all you trailer trash are pieces of MIERDA!
Hey Boris,
Btw, India is never in t gn e lottery countries, LOL!
U asshole fuck off...no one needs a asshole like u ...u fithly piece of shit...and if the country gives us the right to enter the country who da fuck are u to tell us not to..we will take ur jobs nd leave u homeless...cz dats wat racist unethical people like u deserve...
Results of the 2020 diversity visa program
Quiero saber si fui elegida
Sólo tienes que ir al sitio web.
Porque no puedo ingresar a esta dirección https://www.dvlottery.state.gov/
Esta congestionada por el número de personas
La página está congestionada porque muchos están en lo mismo yo también quiero saver por mi pareja
The network is saturated and I can’t check the results on the website
I can't check for my son either! The traffic to the site must be really saturated!
Doesn’t work this website? How I can check the results now ?!!
You visit www.dvlottery.state.gov the check your entry status via 'Entrant status check'
America is hard!!!!!! You guys should come here and experience it.
But it is better than where we are my friend. It is hard everywhere yes we know that. But there are better oppurtunities in the USA. We want to leave the "America Dream"
You cannot live the American dream if you have decided to "leave"it!
With all due respect, you don't know what you're talking about. Your opinions have been shaped by fantasies you've seen on TV.
America is everyone dream.i pray everyone experience this dream
Everywhere is hard I think
It’s hard for you cos you lazy ... it’s the land of opportunity better than any other country so don’t say it hard ... it’s very good place for the hard working person
Not harder than my country, we are struggling for staying alive every day.
It hard but you are still there !
@Tippsy.... Which country give us the link we apply like yesterday.
I love you just the military since small and US MARINE CORPS is what attracts me most. But bro, how can I join if I don't come to the US. That's why if not my country is not that bad.
Cuando Comienzan a dar los resultados
7 de mayo de 2019.
please sellect me
it is enogh if u selected by god
Doesn’t work this website,? How I check the results now ? Can someone show me another link plz
You'll have just to wait
you have to wait until website is done
Quiero saber si fui elegida
With name like yours go to Sweden.
Como saber si soy elegida
What happens if I lost my confirmation number but still can remember the rest of info. Will I be able to check?
Yes! You can
You can use the forgotten confirmation number option on the page of the entrance checker.
Hi Elliot! Is any case beknown to you where one clicked on "forgot confirmation number", filled in the fields with his data and after clicking on "submit", the page went back to the previous one? The one requiring the confirmation number I mean. That happens on each browser I tried.
Try to remember your last name and year of birth . just the year and your email ... Then u can recover it
So sorry! Without your confirmation number, you will never get to know your result. The retrieval mechanism has never worked. If you have more questions, visit this site: https://mydvprogram.com/
Yes you will be able to check.
Just go to the site and where they ask for file number say forgot and they will give another simpler option.
Key in the details and you are good to go
Hi Elizabeth! Is any case beknown to you where one clicked on "forgot confirmation number", filled in the fields with his data and after clicking on "submit", the page went back to the previous one? The one requiring the confirmation number I mean. That happens on each browser I tried.
Please did any received an email which started that you have been selected among the winners for further processing but will have to pay 330$ before May 12th for your green card from the immigration department or has the lottery website been hacked?
It's a scam! They're not supposed to send you anything, you're supposed to check on their website
Thats a scam, don't listen to them. You can only check if you won on the dvlottery website.
Don't pay go and watch on YouTube
They will never email you. Don't pay that to anyone. it's a scam.
It’s a scam
If u want to know if u got it go to the main website
Please be very careful, scam everywhere! America will not send you any message that you qualified. Go to the main website.
Hi Simple! Can you please help me check my results? The website isn't working for me!
Thank you!
Please,it is a fraud don't try it.The state department will never send h a mail if u happen to win my bro.A word to a wise ,I end my case
Don't take any action with that email you received.
Those are Scam. Just wait as long as you have your confirmation number, You have to check from the dv website.
it's a scam!! ignore it. They never send emails. If you want to ckeck if you won, you have to check on the website
That's a scam! Do not pay!
Insha Allah,if it is good for me Allah will help me to win,
Insha Allah,if it is good for me Allah will help me to win,
Je n'arrive pas à ouvrir le site. Comment je fais pour consulter et voir mes résultats ??
Le site est saturé
I applied but have forgotten my confirmation number. What am I supposed to do?
I believe I will be selected thank you Jesus christ
I can't check my result on this website
Yes. It looks like the actual page to put in your information is down. It gives an error page. Says cannot be reached at this time. Something is going on. State Dept needs to be notified.
Going for Glory,come on.
I just hope God can favour me this year as well. Meanwhile wish good luck to all and congratulations to those that have made it already
GOD knows I and my family really need this
The detailed discription is clear.And we expect to win this tonight.